PSH Theme: RWB

PSH Theme: RWB

This week's Photo Scavenger Hunt theme is RWB (Red, White, & Blue). Here's some red, white, and blue from July 4th, 2004.

Friday Feast #7

Appetizer How old were you when you got your first credit card? 18 at Mervyn's! Soup When was the last time you felt out of place? Hmmm... Salad Did you…
Summer Days

Summer Days

Our 2nd of Summer Days...Today we started the morning by going to Town Creek Park and walked. We took some pictures along the way. Here's the boys while resting on…

See toddler climb out of bed…

See Momma say bye-bye to quiet nap times, See Momma say bye-bye to full night sleep, See Momma lose her sanity! Yes, yes, yes, Alex crawled out of the crib…
Summer – Day 1

Summer – Day 1

Today is the first day of summer for the boys and me. It's gone pretty well. We ran some errands this morning and then watched Cool Runnings together. What an…

Playing Catch Up!

I haven't done an actual post in....not sure how long! I've been busy with finishing up school. I had a lot more to do at work before summer than normal…

Mother’s Day 2006

I haven't done an actual post in....not sure how long! I've been busy with finishing up school. I had a lot more to do at work before summer than normal…

Friday Feast #6

Appetizer What's your favorite flavor of ice cream? Chocolate Turtle Soup What are 3 things you would like to put in a time capsule? Pictures My laptop My cellphone Salad…
PSH Theme: Open

PSH Theme: Open

This week's Photo Scavenger Hunt theme is open. For this weeks theme, I found this pic that was taken at the Fort Worth Zoo back in 2000. I like the…

Friday Feast #5

Appetizer From which country(s) are some (or all) of your ancestors? Ireland, Scotland, England Soup How would you describe your sneeze? A-CHOO! Salad What is the last thing you cleaned?…
PSH Theme:  Old

PSH Theme: Old

This week's Photo Scavenger Hunt theme is old. I wasn't sure if today's theme was supposed to be an old picture or an old item in the picture. hahaha, I…

Friday Feast #4

Appetizer On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how polite are you? I'm used to be a 10 growing up and now I'm probably an 8.…

Next Weekend

Did I tell you what we're doing next weekend? No? Didn't think so! Well, my family and I are going camping. Camping, yes, I'm going camping! For those of you…