PSH Theme: Old

By | April 29, 2006

This week’s Photo Scavenger Hunt theme is old.

I wasn’t sure if today’s theme was supposed to be an old picture or an old item in the picture. hahaha, I made an executive decision and did an old picture! This is me with ducks that we raised. They were so much fun.

0 thoughts on “PSH Theme: Old

  1. tnchick

    It could have been either old photo or old item. The choice was yours 🙂 Good pick on the photo – so cute!

  2. Mandy

    Ducklings awww, how sweet. Great pic 🙂
    You say I am almost as old as you are, hey we are mere spring chickens lol

  3. Mandy

    oops sorry just realised, the above comment about age was meant for someone else LOL.. I am such a dork at times 🙂

  4. Jamie

    Cute pic! I had baby ducks growing up, too. 🙂 And thanks for adding me to your Flickr contacts. I’ve added you to mine.


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