PSH Theme: Open

By | May 6, 2006

This week’s Photo Scavenger Hunt theme is open.

For this weeks theme, I found this pic that was taken at the Fort Worth Zoo back in 2000. I like the way he posed for me with his open mouth!

Fort Worth Zoo

0 thoughts on “PSH Theme: Open

  1. Mandy

    Oh wow, teeth like razors.. I wouldn’t like to meet him in the wilds lol. Great theme for ‘open’!

  2. Erica

    Wow, what a picture!! Sure wouldn’t want to have those teeth snap down on me.

  3. Lifecruiser

    Wow! Cool open mouth! I ‘ve never seen this kind before, I really like it. And the color in the water too, it makes it all together a really great shot!

  4. Skittles

    AWWW what a cutie pie! Wonder if his bite is worse than his bark? LOL

    Have a great day!

  5. Tricia

    Wow, cool picture! I think this is an Indian Crocodile … starts with a G I believe.

    My pics are up.

  6. Frances

    Hope you used a zoom lense for that one.
    Those teeth look sharp.
    Forgive my lateness.
    See you next week.


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