Texas Trip 2024 – Part 1

By | June 13, 2024

Today I’m sharing about the first part of our recent Texas Trip.

Rob had a conference in Allen, TX in April and we had planned to fly there. In fact we had plane tickets already. Then after having my surgery and as the trip got closer, we decided it would be better to drive. We were able to get e-credits for our flights so we didn’t lose any money. This was going to make it so I wouldn’t have navigate an airport with 1 arm. It also meant we could bring as much as we wanted to. I am using a huge wedge pillow along with 5-7 more pillows. I was excited I would be able to bring all that.

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We left on Monday evening after work and drove to Jackson, MS where we spent the night. Then got up on Tuesday morning and drove the rest of the way to Allen, TX, which is about 25 miles north of Dallas.

We got there in plenty of time for Rob to haul my suitcase full of pillows along with all our other stuff, pretty much by himself because remember at that time I was in a sling and literally only 2 weeks out from surgery. I could hold doors and carry stuff with my right arm that wasn’t too heavy. We’re trying to spare my right arm as much as possible because I think it’s going to need surgery at some point.

Anyway, so after getting checked in and settled in, we went down to the lobby to meet up with some of Rob’s coworkers who had flown in that day. We chatted with them before they had to meet over at the pool for the conference meet and greet event. That was my queue to head to the room and decide what I felt like doing. I was pretty sure I’d have all evening to myself. I knew I would need to find something to eat and see what I could do on my own.

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I eventually decided to drive over to Plano to the Trader Joe’s for snacks for the week and for something to eat for dinner. Driving there, proved to wear me out so I as much as I would have loved to explored more I was just too tired. I went back to the hotel and ate some gauc and chips from TJs. Then, I decided I didn’t want to wait for Rob to get back to change clothes and/or take a shower. Up unto this point, I hadn’t done any of that by myself since surgery. I watched a video about how to take/put on my shirt with one arm. I carefully navigated all that and managed to take a shower and get ready for bed. You don’t know how excited I was to feel a little more independence!

Meanwhile…Rob’s at the conference working hard. 🙂 The theme of the conference was Cruising so here he is with the 2 ‘captains.’

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Wednesday I really didn’t have plans for the day, but often on days when Rob is in a conference I play it by ear. I was very tired, so I ended up going back to sleep after getting up to eat some breakfast in the room. Rob came in for a break to check on me and was shocked I wasn’t out conquering the town like I normally do when on vacay. After that I got up and headed out to lunch. There’s a Torchy’s not far from the hotel. Torchy’s is one of those places we don’t have in Auburn so when we’re in a big city, I always look to see if there’s one nearby.

The Hillbilly Queso is a must! I also got 2 tacos:; the Vegabond & the Trailer Park. I knew I’d have leftovers, but I was ok with that.

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After lunch, I decided to check out a thrift store not too far from where I was. ACO Resale Shop had so many treasures, at really good prices. I decided to wait and think about it before jumping into buy more ‘clutter.’

I wanted to get back and rest before Rob got back from the conference, as we would we be driving over to Arlington to go to the Ranger’s game.

This was our first time at the new stadium that they build just so they can have a roof to close. Excuse me for a moment, while I bash the place. (Please don’t hate me, if you love it.) First of all baseball is meant to be played outside. It was a beautiful day mid 70’s, no rain and we thought for sure the roof would be open, but it wasn’t! My question is what kind of weather do you have to have to keep the roof open? Having the roof closed its very loud and echoey. The air was still and warm. The seats are a thin plastic, very flimsy. The guy in front of me would adjust in his seat and the seats on both sides of him would move along with him.

I know a lot of people, especially Rangers fans are super pumped for the new stadium. I’m sure if I was a season ticket holder when its 100 degrees, I’d want the roof too. I’m just not sure how cool they’ll be able to keep it in there. They have lots of cool things to look at throughout the corridors of the stadium.


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After walking around and seeing all the different views and things to see we headed on out. I wasn’t feeling great, so we left the game actually before it ended. We stopped at a Braum’s for a burger and a shake.

I am glad the old Ranger’s stadium is still there. It is a gorgeous ballpark that is now used for other sports.

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We went a really cool way back to the hotel and were able to drive right by downtown Dallas. I wished I could have used my other arm to get this photo to focus with my iPhone. Still a really great view of downtown.

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The next day I got up and took my time. I ate my leftover Torchy’s and then headed to McKinney. I checked out a couple thrift stores then went to downtown. I was super happy to find free parking. So many cute shops and restaurants. Its what every little downtown should strive to be.

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I was about to go back to the car, when I passed by the Cocktail Creamery. I had actually heard about this place on a video I had watched about McKinney. I decided to stop in and check it out. The lady working there was really nice and since I was the only customer we really struck up a conversation. I tried 2 different kinds: Butter Bourbon Pecanator & Chocolate Hazelnut Heaven. Of course, I went with the chocolate option. They say the alcohol level of 1 scoop is like drinking about 1/3 of a can of beer, so I was able to jump in the car after eating that.

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I got back to the hotel and rested. I had originally planned to not attend the final banquet for the conference because of the cost. However, one of the conference guys told Rob I could come. It was a fun night of food and dancing with a live band (The Grooves out of Austin). Yes, I danced with one arm in a sling.

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I decided to divide this into 2 posts. Part 2 will be when we went to visit family.

3 thoughts on “Texas Trip 2024 – Part 1

  1. Tanya

    What a great visit. Torchy’s and Trader Joe’s for the win. Our Houston baseball stadium has a roof that they never open. I find that it is usually pretty cool inside and the seats are nice. It is so warm and humid here that I don’t mind the enclosed stadium!

  2. Leslie Susan Clingan

    Good for you to go even with your arm in a sling, and just recovering from surgery. Have never been to McKinney. Need to see where it is from my daughter in Ft. Worth. Ft. Worth is a cute little town, too. It was probably a good thing you just rested some and didn’t cram all kinds of things into every day. Glad you had breakfast in the room and even went back to sleep one morning.

  3. Joanne

    That sounds like a good last minute change of plans for your trip. I can’t believe they didn’t have the dome open on such a beautiful night!


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