Yeah, I feel like posting these weekly updates, my life is pretty boring. It is what it is though, right!
+ Kayleigh bringing me one of very dilapidated babies.
+ Next 3 pics across are from the garden. Love seeing these pops of colors.
+ Drew and Caitlyn came over on 4th of July for a little bit and Bigsby and Kayleigh got to play. Besides that 4th of July was pretty boring. I wasn’t feeling great so I was glad to just be home all day and not do anything.
+ Sadly, this is the last picture of Katniss that I took on Wednesday, July 3rd during lunch. I let her out at some point that afternoon. Of course, since Bigsby came over on Thursday she usually stays away for a day or so after he leaves. Sunday, I was feeling panicked because I realized she still hadn’t come back home. I checked with the local humane society and posted it on all the different places online. Still no Katniss, so I’m very sad. I’m hoping she shows back up.
I do hope your pet returns! A neighbor’s dog got out 4th of July and was just located yesterday, a bit worse for wear, but in general okay and now safe at home.
I hope Katniss has returned! That is such an awful feeling not knowing what if anything has happened to them. We didn’t really do anything 4th of July day either as our weather was really miserable.
I hope you find Katniss!
I’m so very sorry about your cat! I will be hoping and praying she comes back or you find her soon! Losing a pet is so hard! Sending hugs!
Any sign of your baby yet? Put her litter box outside. And some food. We have had great luck doing those tricks when our kitties have gone off for a getaway. Hope she is soon home safe and sound.
Lovely colors from your garden. Do you miss your photo challenge? I am doing 2 right now and would love to see you join in. One is a summer scavenger hunt. Details here: https://thiswestlondonlife.com/2024/05/29/summer-photography-hunt-2024-the-definitive-list/
The other is on-going with Kym at https://morecoffeebreaks.blogspot.com/ Come join us!!