Hanging out in Atlanta with the family for Drew’s 14th birthday.

The week with my niece.
The attempted sweet valentine’s Day gift from Rob.
Sleeping under the dinosaurs at the McWane Center
Field trip with Alex’s class
A trip to Oglethorp University for Drew to attend a soccer clinic. Beautiful campus!
Easter trip to Montgomery, where we ate at the Egg and I, visiting the planetarium at Oak Park, and checking out the Riverwalk.
A trip to Lake Martin for a Cub Scout den meeting.
A day out at Kiesel Park for Auburn City Fest and ScoutFest.
A trip to Columbus for the Scout Expo
The Weekend at Joe Wheeler State park and soccer tourney.
While in North Alabama we took a side trip up to Amish country near Ethridge, TN.
More fun Cub Scout Meetings with the family.
Rob and I had a date night in Decatur, GA for our friend’s CD release party.
Birthday party for a friend of ours, 80’s style!
Drew’s adventurous week at Leadership camp.
Fun day with the family hiking at Pine Mountain
A fun night in Atlanta for the Aerosmith concert!
Going out to see Drew at BSA Camp.
Our 3rd Annual Trip to the Mountains.
Another school year began with Alex in 3rd grade and Drew in 9th.
Our wonderful week cruise with the boys.

My 37th birthday and the yummy dinners and cupcakes I got to enjoy.
Hanging out at the soccer fields
Visit from Papiere over the Auburn/Texas A&M Game weekend.
Lots of Christmas festivities and activities.
Opportunities to pay it forward.
Family Date night in Columbus, GA.
WOW! So many memories made. So glad I have photos and my blog to help me remember. 🙂 Happy 2013 everybody!