My favorite moments of 2014:
Starting the year off by driving home from a long week in Texas after my Dad’s death.

Family Ski Trip with Drew’s Boy Scout Trip in Gatlinburg, TN
Day 1 & 2 Day 3 & 4
Another Scout Trip, but this time with the Cub Scout to the McWane Center in Birmingham, AL.
Church Retreat

New Driver in the house!
Alex starting playing Thunder just like his big brother.
Family date night in Atlanta.

Cub Scout Trip to Horseshoe Bend for the 200th Anniversary of the Battle at Horseshoe Bend.

Braves Game fun!

There was AU alert, which ended up causing the University to close, so Rob and I got the day off and we went up to Birmingham to watch Drew play soccer.

Life was busy in May, but I not anything really blog worthy so I starting a new series called “Life Lately.” Read the two posts from May here and here.
Memorial Day fun at the lake with our friends.

Here’s two more life lately posts that here and here.
We got Dad’s bike fixed that he gave to Drew.

Rob was given an award at work.
Our last Cub Scout Trip, which was to the mountains of North Carolina.
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Staycation in Atlanta over the 4th of July

The kids started their Junior and 5th grade years.
Rob and I celebrated 17 years of marriage!
Drew asked someone to homecoming.
Drew went to his first homecoming dance with his new girlfriend, Caitlyn.
Alex trained over the summer to be an Acolyte at Church.
Rob had a conference in Midtown Atlanta, so I decided to tag along.
Fun time at Mr. Tony’s Farm

In November, I decided to rebrand my blog, so most of my regular blogging was put on hold while I built this new blog home.
5th grade Colonial Day

We had a fun time at Mr. Paul’s house visiting and 4 wheelin’.
We got a new family member, a cat, that we finally named Katniss.
WOW! So many memories made. So glad I have photos and my blog to help me remember. 🙂 Happy 2015 everybody!