Life lately is filled with…
~~ Sadness…just missing my Dad with Father’s Day last week.
~~ TWO date nights with Rob!
~~ Working on a budget.
~~ Alex going to Cub Scout Twilight Camp.
~~ We got Drew’s bike fixed.
~~ Flag retirement ceremonies.
~~ Drew’s troop went mountain biking at Chewacla.
~~ I took Alex to the pool Saturday.
~~ Found a wine that I actually like.
Goals for last week:
~~ Finish reading Eat to Live –> Done! by Joel Fuhrman
~~ Decide which healthy eating plan to start soon. Choices being Eat to Live with meat, Whole 30, Dietary Plan Rob’s Mom is following, or just go back to “no white foods or fried foods” like I was doing at the end of last year, or possibly a mixture from all of the above). –> Still thinking about this.
~~ Eliminate Diet Coke from my diet…again….sigh –> Did better, but didn’t eliminate it completely.
~~ Walk/exercise 3 times for at least 30 minutes each. –> Didn’t happen
Goals for this week:
(not a lot this week…)
~~ Eat no fast food for diet and budget reasons
~~ Mark 1 thing off Summer Bucket List
~~ Finish getting the master bedroom clean/organized