Year in Review 2013

My favorite moments of 2013:

Over MLK weekend, we went to the mountains with the S family and stayed in their cabin. So. much. fun!

Rob, Alex, and I attended our family Church Retreat for the 1st time. While we were there, Drew was also there with the youth.

Drew played in his first season at Jr. Varsity Soccer.
AHS Jr. Varsity Soccer Game

Alex had his 1st birthday party.
Fun at the park

Rob got a prestigious scouting award, during the B&G banquet.
2013B&Gbanquet - 053

Alex was awarded his Bear.
2013B&Gbanquet - 101
April was the month of saying goodbye to the Toomer’s Oaks. I went over to get a few shots of the withering trees.
The Oaks at Toomer's Corner

The last rolling of the original Toomer’s Oaks.
toomerslastrolling - 09bw

Seeing the trees being removed from the corner was memorable and heartbreaking.
4.23.2013 016

Drew’s Troop participated in the Scoutfest at Auburn City Fest.
ScoutFest @ Auburn City Fest 2013

We made a quick trip to Biloxi, MS.
biloxi:gulfport,mississippi3.30.2013 - 170

Drew and other guys from his troop participated in our Pack’s Arrow of Light Ceremony.
Arrow of Light Ceremony Pack 29

Date weekend and soccer in Birmingham.
birmingham 018

Drew got his Learner’s Permit and he began driving for the very first time with me.
109.365 {Learner's Permit}

Soccer banquet
Soccer Banquet 2013

Sunday School service project
Sunday School Service Project (April 2013)

We went to Abby’s Grad party.
Friend's Graduation Party

Drew played with the Honor’s band during the Class of 2013 Graduation.
2013AHSgraduation - 143

2013AHSgraduation - 114

We spent Memorial Day weekend camping with our friends at the lake.
MemorialDay2013LakeMartin - 034

Preparations for Drew’s High Adventure Trip
practicehike#2 - 2

Drew was elected as his troop’s Senior Patrol Leader.

I gave up Diet Coke…forever! Ok, so I do have maybe once a month or so.
156.365 {1 Month and No Diet Coke}

We went to Callaway Gardens
BirdsOfPreyShow6.2013 - 18

Cub Scout Pensacola Trip
Pack29SummerTripToBigLagoonStatePark - 043

Missing my Drew
Daisy waiting for Drew

Drew went on his trip of a lifetime to Philmont Scouting Ranch
15 days – 95 miles hiked –
6.19.14Group photos on Window Rock.

Pack Meeting with the Auburn University Gymnastics Team
Pack29MeetingWithAUGymnasticsTeam - 68

Boy Scout troop and family chill at the lake
Chill at the Lake

Our 4th Annual Family 4th of July Trip. This year to Gatlinburg.
4thOfJulyTrip2013 - 0675

We enjoyed our adventures traveling through Oklahoma, Texas, and Lousiana on our Wild, Wild West Trip.

We enjoyed another Annual Pack 29 event called Survivor
228.365 {Pack 29 Survivor}

Rob and I celebrated our 16th Anniversary!
Happy 16th anniversary!

Drew got his braces off.
Braces came off today!

First day back to school (10th grader & 4th grader)
231.365 {Back to School}


We had quick trip to Florida for a non-funeral celebration for Rob’s Uncle Frank.
SpringHillFloridaTrip2013 - 092

SpringHillFloridaTrip2013 - 068

Scout day at the Auburn Football Game
250.365 {Sunset at Jordan-Hare Stadium}

Rob started his new job.

Alex got a couple pets of his own, Abby and Catherine.
284.365 {New Pets}

Drew enjoyed marching another season with the AHS band, this year under a new band director.
Some of AHS Band members after the PINK show

Rob, Drew, and Grandpa J enjoyed a day in Atlanta watching the Bands of America Competition.


Alex got to see Elton John concert for the first time.

Emergency trip to Texas.

Thanksgiving in Florida

AHS going to State Semi-Finals Game


Drew was honored during the end of the year Boy Scout Court of Honor.

Day After Christmas


See my entire Project 365 on my old blog here.

Collection of End of the Year/Beginning of the Year posts


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