16 year wedding anniversary stats:
-Lived in 5 different places all in the same city (2 apartments, 1 duplex, 2 houses)
-Owned 7 vehicles (5 cars and 2 SUVs [1 Honda Civic, 1 Mazda Protege, 1 Mazda GLC, 1 Honda Accord, 1 Acura Legend, 1 Ford Explorer, 1 Honda Pilot])
-Earned 2 Bachelor Degrees
-Held 10 jobs
-Owned 3 dogs, 3 mice, 1 rabbit
-Gone on 7 cruises
-Visited 6 Countries/Territories and 17 states
-Made 8 trips to the ER/hospital
I’d love to come up with some more cool stats, but it’s taken me too long to think of these. …Maybe next year!
Happy Anniversary!