Memories, Dreams, and Reflections 2022

Memories, Dreams, and Reflections 2022

Happy New Year, Yall!

Here we are another year down. No truer words were said than the days are long, but the years are fast.

This post shares my memories, dreams, and reflections from this year. I got the idea from Ashley’s blog, which is no longer updated. See the bottom of the post for the ‘rules.’
Memories, Dreams, and Reflections 2022

1. Me!

2022-02-25 15.45.26  2022-02-23 13.59.18
2. I Love You My family at Thanksgiving.

3. Still Laughing… Lots of laughs this year, which is never a bad thing!

The Dolphin experience in Blue Lagoon Island near Nassau Bahamas was so fun. This made us laugh!

Caitlyn’s face

Stan’s face

4. Winter Wonderland This last week it got really cold for much longer than we’re used to. Our heat pump struggled to keep us super warm. We already scheduled for a new heat pump installation dayton. Luckily Rob made a fire in the fireplace, but here he is with his hood on. It was below freezing and felt like single digits for a few days, which we are totally not used to.

2022-12-23 15.54.20
5. Birthday The only birthday pics I have of our family is of Drew (24) and Alex (18).
2022-01-25 19.15.11 2022-03-07 20.05.20

6. Friends I apparently did a terrible job of capturing time with friends. I feel like we, especially me, have been more social this year. I am bummed I don’t have a picture of any of the gatherings from my empty nester group, or of the 3 Christmas gatherings from right before Christmas. This is from our weekend in Lakeland.
2022-12-11 07.29.57eee

7. I Was Inspired… This year visiting a new dr to get help for my fibro has inspired me to take hold of my health; eat healthier and exercise everyday. I’ve been on this journey since the end of September. Losing weight is often one step forward, two steps back, but I’m continuing to be motivated regardless. The holidays are hard with all the sweets and goodies, but I haven’t totally lost all hope 😉 Since September I’ve lost about 18 lbs so far. Long way to go, but that’s ok.

2022-11-08 12.11.42
8. Spring Fever When the flowers start coming out, it makes me so excited for spring!

2022-03-02 11.29.41
9. Travel or Vacation We did a good amount of traveling this year. I included all the vacations and travels for whatever reason. I moved this Travel Summary to another post >>>> Travel Summary 2022

10. Summer Days Summer was full of travels. Here’s the summer month’s digests:

2022-06-26 15.00.21
11. A Day In My Life I actually wrote a Day in the Life post back in October.

2022-10-18 10.22.14
12. All Smiles Playing a game on Christmas Day

2022-12-25 20.34.42
13. Autumn Harvest As I made my daily walks through the neighborhood, I noticed all the beautiful leaves.

2022-10-28 16.45.20
14. Family or Home

2022-09-22 11.44.44
15. Celebrate! Lots to celebrate this year.
Alex graduated from high school.
Drew bought a house and got engaged…finally!!

16. Let’s Do It Again… I had all the good intentions with my garden this year, but with so much travel in the spring my seed starting wasn’t good. I hope in 2023 I’m able to have a more successful garden.

2022-02-23 18.41.53
17. I Miss You Caitlyn’s mom passed away on Nov. 5th.

18. Beautiful The Caribbean is just a beautiful place.

19. Dress Up Had lots of opportunities to dress up this year. Weddings, formal nights and cruises, etc. Back in May was Drew’s good friend’s wedding. Here I am with my boys…all dressed up.

2022-05-21 18.00.07ee
20. Macro

2022-01-25 10.19.11
21. Holidays Here’s the fam at Christmas. I’ll post about this soon with more pics.

22. My Favorite This is one of my favorite pics this year>>> Freeport, Bahamas

23. Don’t Ever Change Bigsby makes me laugh!

2022-10-02 11.54.06
24. Just Because… I love birds…

2022-12-10 09.03.40
25. Hopes and Dreams 2023 will hold so many new adventures. Looking forward to it! I would like to write another post or 2 about things from 2022 and goals and predictions for 2023. We shall see.

If you made it here to the end of the post, you rock!

This is such a fun post to put together. It requires that you think through the last year and look through your pictures. I would love for you to join with me by doing this post. If you do please share it below in the comments! Happy New Year!

Here’s the ‘rules’ of this post from Ashley: The beauty of Memories, Dreams and Reflections is that you don’t really have to photograph anything new, but share photos you’ve taken all year long. Want to join along? Here’s how:

1. Go through your 2020 archives and select photos that represent each prompt (or take a few new photos).
2. Feel free to write as much or as little about each prompt as you’d like.
3. Feel free to post more than one picture for each prompt if you think it’s necessary. If you don’t have a picture to represent the prompt, skip it…participate as much or as little as you’d like.
4. If you use any photos that are not your own, please provide a source.
5. Have fun!


  1. What a great year, except for Caitlyn’s mom. You did so much fun travel in 2022, but the best is all the time with family.

  2. Joanne

    Oh those Caribbean photos do look so beautiful and inviting! It was such a great year for your family; aside from the really sad news of Caitlyn’s mom. I wish you and your family a fabulous 2023!!

  3. That photo you got in the Bahamas is stunning! Can’t wait to hear about your trip! Seems like a wonderful year for you and your family for the most part!

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