We did a good amount of traveling this year. I included all the vacations and travels for whatever reason.
Rob and Alex went on the Annual Boy Scout Ski trip in Gatlinburg, TN

Rob, Alex, and I attended the Annual Winter Youth Retreat. I decided that since Alex graduated and will no longer be attending this, I will not be an adult leader anymore. Rob loves it so much and will continue to serve.

Rob and I went on a cruise with his Mom and Step Dad on the Carnival Horizon.

Rob, his brother Nick, Alex, and I went to New Orleans to see Journey in concert.

We went to Newnan, Ga for a wedding. It was a lot of fun.

Rob, his brother, Nick, and I went to Omaha, NE for the College World Series.

We went on our Annual 4th of July trip. This year to Murphy, NC.

Rob and I also went on Back 2 Back Cruises from New Orleans. I’m still working on those posts, but will have them all listed here>>>Carnival Glory

Rob went to Atlanta three times. Once to see Elton John for the last time.

Caitlyn went to Portland, OR for a conference for work.

Drew and Cailtyn went to down to Florida because her mom wasn’t doing well. They asked us to come down and she passed away the next day.

– We went to Florida for a wedding.

It was a great year of travels for sure!