Highlights for Week 50 11-15, 2023 Our neighbor behind us cut down some trees that were covering their backyard, but they were actually in our yard. We were ok with…
Here we are for another highlight post for week Dec. 4-10 2023 Old couches New couches...They very much look the same, but they are different brands. We're just happy to…
LIFE Happenings Here’s my weekly posts to catch you up. Week 44 Week 45-46 Week 47 Loving the cooler weather. Happy for this time of year...I guess. More on that…
Here we are for our weekly highlights for Thanksgiving Week (Nov 20-26, 2023). Basketball game with Rob. Got to see one of my student workers dance during a timeout as…
Week 43...(Oct. 23-29, 2023) Just a few highlights from last week to share... Work share board - A coworker of mine puts a new theme for anyone in our department…
Drew and Caitlyn threw Halloween Party the Friday before Halloween. I did kind of a bad job taking pictures, like I didn't even get a picture of them together. Oh…
Happy November!! These months just continue to fly by. LIFE Happenings Here’s my weekly posts to catch you up. Week 39 Week 40 & 41 Week 42 Loving I am…
Hello! It's time for another watching and listening post, where I share what I've been watching and listening to the last 2 months. Last month I wrote about my recent…
Week 42...(Oct. 16-22, 2023) Here's a few highlights from last week... I love that they lay next to each other. Before we had the new driveway put in...You can read…
Here we are for the last wedding photo post!! This is part 2 of the wedding reception. If you are also planning to propose to your partner, you may start…
Here we are for week 39 (Sept. 25-Oct. 1), which ended with my birthday celebrations over the weekend. The sunrise on Monday was spectacular! I had to go over to…
Happy Monday, yall! I feel like I blinked and the weekend was over. I'm tired this morning. Here we are for a double of my weekly highlights (Sept. 11-17 &…
Hello! It's time for another watching and listening post, where I share what I've been watching and listening to the last 2 months. Last month I wrote about my recent…