Week 50:2023

Week 50:2023

Highlights for Week 50 11-15, 2023 Our neighbor behind us cut down some trees that were covering their backyard, but they were actually in our yard. We were ok with…
Week 49:2023

Week 49:2023

Here we are for another highlight post for week Dec. 4-10 2023 Old couches New couches...They very much look the same, but they are different brands. We're just happy to…
Week 48:2023

Week 48:2023

Another week down (Nov. 27-Dec 3, 2023) and how are we so close to the end of the year?!?!? This is not deja vu or a picture from a month…
Monthly Digest – November 2023

Monthly Digest – November 2023

LIFE Happenings Here’s my weekly posts to catch you up. Week 44 Week 45-46 Week 47 Loving the cooler weather. Happy for this time of year...I guess. More on that…
Week 47:2023 (Thanksgiving Week)

Week 47:2023 (Thanksgiving Week)

Here we are for our weekly highlights for Thanksgiving Week (Nov 20-26, 2023). Basketball game with Rob. Got to see one of my student workers dance during a timeout as…
Week 45-46:2023

Week 45-46:2023

Here we are for my weekly rundown of Week 45 & 46 (Nov 6-12 & 13-19, 2023) Got all my pottery back I worked an Walk to Emmaus Christian retreat…
Week 44:2023

Week 44:2023

Here we are for another weekly highlights for Week 44 - Oct. 30-Nov 5, 2023 With Rob being out of town I got a lot done. I organized our extra…
Week 43:2023

Week 43:2023

Week 43...(Oct. 23-29, 2023) Just a few highlights from last week to share... Work share board - A coworker of mine puts a new theme for anyone in our department…
Halloween Party 2023

Halloween Party 2023

Drew and Caitlyn threw Halloween Party the Friday before Halloween. I did kind of a bad job taking pictures, like I didn't even get a picture of them together. Oh…
Monthly Digest – October 2023

Monthly Digest – October 2023

Happy November!! These months just continue to fly by. LIFE Happenings Here’s my weekly posts to catch you up. Week 39 Week 40 & 41 Week 42 Loving I am…
Week 42:2023

Week 42:2023

Week 42...(Oct. 16-22, 2023) Here's a few highlights from last week... I love that they lay next to each other. Before we had the new driveway put in...You can read…
Our Recent “Low”

Our Recent “Low”

So in my last weekly post, I referred to a "low" and all has been resolved with this so I can talk about it now. You know, owning a house…
Week 40 & 41:2023

Week 40 & 41:2023

Here we are for another catch up weekly highlights post for Oct 2-8 & Oct 9-15! I'll say these last 2 weeks have been filled some highs and a major…
Wedding::Reception Part 2

Wedding::Reception Part 2

Here we are for the last wedding photo post!! This is part 2 of the wedding reception. If you are also planning to propose to your partner, you may start…
Week 39:2023

Week 39:2023

Here we are for week 39 (Sept. 25-Oct. 1), which ended with my birthday celebrations over the weekend. The sunrise on Monday was spectacular! I had to go over to…
Monthly Digest – September 2023

Monthly Digest – September 2023

LIFE Happenings Here’s my weekly posts to catch you up. Week 35 & 26 Week 37 & 38 Loving that it is finally feeling a bit like fall! Happy to…
Week 37 & 38:2023

Week 37 & 38:2023

Happy Monday, yall! I feel like I blinked and the weekend was over. I'm tired this morning. Here we are for a double of my weekly highlights (Sept. 11-17 &…
Week 35 & 36:2023

Week 35 & 36:2023

Last week, I was working hard on finishing and posting the last 2 Desert Trip posts, which you can find here if you missed them >>>> Day 6 / Day…