Another week down (Nov. 27-Dec 3, 2023) and how are we so close to the end of the year?!?!?
This is not deja vu or a picture from a month ago. Yes, we had to have more of our yard dug up…luckily only dirt this time and not driveway. Our water main had a leak in it. I’m thankful we hadn’t had our yard fixed and resodded yet.

We saw Mean Girls at the Gogue. It was pretty good.

Saturday, we went and got our tree. Drew and Caitlyn also got a tree.

It was supposed to be monsooning that day, but we got so lucky and it didn’t.

Caitlyn talked Drew into cutting down their 1st real Christmas tree, which was so sweet.

I enjoyed this day so much. The kids helped us with our tree and then we went over to help Drew and Caitlyn with their tree. They got it in the stand and then realized they needed to get lights, so they ended up decorating it later on their own

Sunday our church had their Christmas Cantata.

Love the way my new Christmas table turned out.

Katniss’s favorite spot now

Pretty good week! How was yours?
That’s so fun that Drew cut down their first tree. I love your Christmas table.
Oh, I love your Christmas table runner. And I have always wanted to see Mean Girls.