Monthly Digest – September 2023

By | September 29, 2023



Here’s my weekly posts to catch you up.
Week 35 & 26
Week 37 & 38

Loving that it is finally feeling a bit like fall!
Happy to celebrate my birthday this weekend.
Excited for the weather to continue to be pretty (hopefully).
Reminiscing back to other Septembers. I found this post I wrote last year about birthdays, which was fun to look back at.

Mom & MB
Social honestly…too much social this month. Totally draining and honestly its effecting my mental health. (Bucket draining)

Work Memories Our new guy started and I’m happy to have that hiring process done. Let’s pray he sticks around for a couple years.

Lesson Learned I realized something I had learned the other day and now it’s slipped my mind. I need to write those things down when that happens!

Current Project I want to continue to declutter and organize. Just haven’t been too motivated lately.

Drew and Caitlyn and I did lunch, just the 3 of us last week. It was so nice to just get to hear them talk about life, working out, and things they’ve had going on. This is what fills my bucket.

Alex hasn’t been coming around much lately, which makes me sad.

Rob is around a lot more these days since he’s not involved with many of the activities he used to do.

Most remembered Hmmm…not sure what I’ll remember most honestly.

Wearing Layers for cool mornings and warm afternoons.

This Weekend having guests in town for the Georgia game and celebrating my birthday.

Looking Forward to Next Month nothing major that I can think of. Hopefully continued cooler weather.


Eating not as healthy as I would like. Need to make a few adjustments.

Favorite This pork from The Waverly Local was yummy!

2023-08-30 18.12.44


Click TV below to see what I’ve been watching and listening to lately.

Watching & Listening Post

Favorite Pic

2023-09-27 12.07.18

Look back at last month.


Linking up with Shay and Sheaffer for What’s Up Wednesday.

3 thoughts on “Monthly Digest – September 2023

  1. Tanya

    That Georgia game was a tough one! Hope you had a very happy birthday!

  2. Pingback: Monthly Digest - October 2023 - A Camera and A Cookbook

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