Memories of the Month {1.2021}

Memories of the Month {1.2021}

This month I was happy about: good medical news. This month I was sad about: family members getting COVID. Here's my rating system for entertainment: ♥ ♥ = Love it!…
Sentence a Day – January 2021

Sentence a Day – January 2021

This last year several of my blogging buddies have been doing a post called Sentence a Day where you write down a sentence to sum up your day. Now I…
What’s Up Wednesday ~ January 2021

What’s Up Wednesday ~ January 2021

Yall, I don't know even know what happened last week. I realized over the weekend that today is the yesterday of January which means I should have written and posted…
iSpy #4

iSpy #4

Hey yall! It's iSpy Saturday again. Before I get into my pics for the week, I wanted to let you know that for the iSpy prompts, I have added them…
Pumpkin Bread

Pumpkin Bread

Growing up my Granny, my Mom's mom, was the best cook in my family. She always had banana nut bread or pumpkin bread stocked up in the freezer and any…
3 Cooking Methods for Healthier Living

3 Cooking Methods for Healthier Living

According to Harvard Health Publishing, frequently eating fried foods puts people (especially women) at a 13% risk of premature death. Healthy cooking does not translate into gourmet eating. On the…
All About You

All About You

Hey yall! Today I'm excited to be linking up with good ol' blog friend, Leslie and my new blog friend, Carrie. They are starting a new series called from Texas…
The Weekly [1.17-24.2021]

The Weekly [1.17-24.2021]

Hey yall! How was your weekend? Mine was good...for the most part. We celebrated Drew's 23rd birthday. Man, as I type that, it makes me feel old. How am I…
iSpy #3

iSpy #3

Happy Saturday everyone! Time for another iSpy Photo Challenge. Ordinary Day - Most weekdays, you'll find me here working from home. Favorite Here's 'Monty.' Yes, I named a plant. I…
Winter Recipe Bucket List

Winter Recipe Bucket List

Hey yall! Well we're already a month into Winter and here I am just now posting some lists for Winter. That's ok. We still have about 2 months left of…
iSpy #2

iSpy #2

Hey yall! It's already time for another iSpy photo challenge. I was in the office this week training my new crew. This means I get home and am ready to…
Currently – January 2021

Currently – January 2021

/beginning/ the new year with some goals that I'm actually still formulating. I hope to post those soon. I've also decided to begin doing the Sentence a Day post each…
iSpy Photo Challenge 2021

iSpy Photo Challenge 2021

I've been wanting to do some type of link-up for 2021. I've also wanted to get more creative with my photography. I had this desire 6 years ago, but didn't…
2021 New Year’s Goals Printable

2021 New Year’s Goals Printable

Happy New Year! I've seen so many people saying how they can't wait till 2021 and how they seem think that with the flip of the calendar year that everything…