Week 39 [2021]

Week 39 [2021]

Here's my weekly wrap up for #39 September 27 - October 3, 2021. Sitting at the doc's office waiting to get my blood drawn. Thinking of Dad that day as…
Week 38 [2021]

Week 38 [2021]

Last week was #38; September 20-26, 2021! Here's some highlights... I love cooler temps in the mornings. Look at this really cool pumpkin and acorn squash. Kind of a funny…
iSpy #38

iSpy #38

real life Drew came over and brought Buster. Not sure Buster was a fan of this configuration. connect These are the stairs are going on to my front door. The…
Week 37 [2021]

Week 37 [2021]

Here's another wrap up from September 13-19, 2021. I know this blog has become very stale with just boring updates of my life. However, that's all I can muster up…
iSpy #37

iSpy #37

golden hour Honestly wasn't happy with this golden hour shot, but didn't have a lot of time to mess with it. action item Mowing the lawn has been an 'action…
Week 36 [2021]

Week 36 [2021]

Week 36 September 6-12, 2021 Hey yall! Last week was rough and its continuing on into this week. Unfortunately, I can't go into details. I would covet your prayers for…
iSpy #36

iSpy #36

remembrance Not the remembrance, I was going for initially. However, I sat at the light near the University Chapel the other morning and snapped this shot. This is where Rob…
Healthy Eating Tips To Get You Started

Healthy Eating Tips To Get You Started

Healthy living has taken the world by storm to prevent some common lifestyle ailments such as obesity. Everyone gets bombarded with information regarding what to eat and consume, but many…
Week 35 [2021]

Week 35 [2021]

Here we are for another week review post. Week 35 covers August 30-September 5, 2021. On August 30th, Rob and I celebrated our 24th wedding anniversary. We went out to…
iSpy #35

iSpy #35

clip Rob got this money clip as a graduation gift. dear This was a total struggle. I found these scrapbook letters where you will find these letters D - E…
Currently – September 2021

Currently – September 2021

Happy September, yall! Here's my Currently post for this month. beginning to look forward to Fall and football! I'm really hoping we have an early onset of cooler temperatures, which…
The Weekly [9.27-10.3.2020]

The Weekly [9.27-10.3.2020]

iPHONE PICS & GOINGS ON Wednesday was my 45th birthday! WOW! Numbers usually don't really bother me, but man that sounds old. I had a great birthday. Taking the day…
Memories of the Month {9.2020}

Memories of the Month {9.2020}

This month I was happy about: Things feeling a little more normal with college football starting and activities like soccer and scouts ramping back up for fall. Also glad we've…
What’s Up Wednesday ~ September 2020

What’s Up Wednesday ~ September 2020

Today I'm linking up with Shay and Sheaffer for What's Up Wednesday. What We're Eating I feel like this is almost the same answer as last month, but its true.…
September Monthly Musings-Fall & Halloween

September Monthly Musings-Fall & Halloween

Today I'm sharing Monthly Musings for September. My favorite Fall tradition? My favorite things about fall is decorating as well as all the fall candles. And of course cheering on…
The Weekly [9.13-19.2020]

The Weekly [9.13-19.2020]

iPHONE PICS & GOINGS ON Last Sunday Rob, Kayleigh, and I rode out to where our Boy Scout troop will start meeting. With COVID our troop has had very little…