Tag Archives: november 2020

The Weekly [11.22-28.2020] Thanksgiving Week Edition

By | November 30, 2020

PICS & GOINGS ON Sunday -We did our normal routine. Church Online. Rob left to help with in person 11am service. Sunday School online. Lunch. -I made some brownies for our Boy Scout Scoutmaster’s birthday that was on Monday. -Rob, Alex, and I went to church to serve at the college ministries Thanksgiving. They had… Read More »

November 2020 Monthly Musings-Christmas

By | November 27, 2020

I’m late getting this post up, but I always enjoy Monthly Musings of others. Link up 1. Favorite Holiday Tradition I love all the Christmas activities, from going to cut down a Christmas tree and decorating the house to watching Christmas movies. Baking and making other goodies withe family. Christmas tree shopping: 2016 / 2015… Read More »

What’s Up Wednesday ~ November 2020

By | November 25, 2020

Today I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer for What’s Up Wednesday. What We’re Eating I’ve been doing lots of baking lately. I’ve got several recipes I need to get posted, but this week and last week I have been super slammed at work. These Chocolate Chip Toffee Cookies are so yummy! What I’m Reminiscing… Read More »

Chocolate Chip Toffee Cookies

By | November 20, 2020

Lately I’ve been in a cookie making mood. I love these cookies that have chocolate chips, rice crispy cereal, and toffee bits. Such a yummy combination and a fun way to mix up your everyday chocolate chip cookie. The toffee bits add a flavor punch and crunch, along with the rice crispy cereal that adds… Read More »

Things To Bring on a Road Trip

By | November 11, 2020

Although the COVID-19 pandemic may have pulled the brakes on your 2020 travel plans, there’s no reason why you can’t start planning for your next road trip. Whether you are driving coast to coast, stopping off for a day trip, or exploring Amish country you need to ensure that you head out with everything you… Read More »

Make Ahead Meal Ideas

By | November 9, 2020

Are you getting sick of having to face meal time? This could be for a variety of reasons. Maybe you’re tired of wasting food, because you make too much and you can’t stomach those leftovers one more time. Maybe you don’t have the energy to cook, and you feel like your diet is taking a… Read More »

Currently – November 2020

By | November 4, 2020

Happy November, ya’ll! It’s time for another Currently post, and I’m just going to jump straight in. appreciating just all the simple things. Life, health (for the most part), a nice warm house, a family that I love, jobs that provide, good school for my high schooler…During this month of Thanksgiving, I thinks it’s important… Read More »