About Me

Welcome to A Camera & A Cookbook! I’m Lysha, pronounced Lee-sha or like Lisa with a “SH” sound in stead of “SSS” sound. 🙂 I used to blog over at MagnoliaMom.Com, but felt an overwhelming feeling to start anew in Fall 2014. I’ve been blogging for over 10 years and so much has changed with the blogging world. I am so glad you’re here and I would love for you to hang out awhile. Be sure and say Hi and I will reciprocate if you leave your blog address.

I am a(n)…
~ believer and follower of Jesus Christ
~ wife to my best friend for 27 years
~ mom of 2 grown boys
~ Grandma to be in February 2025
~ blogger since 2004ish
~ graduate of Richland High
~ Texas Native [1975-1996]
~ resident of the city of Auburn since 1996
~ graduate (’99) and employee of Auburn University
~ photographer
~ traveler
~ user of Macs
~ former elementary ed teacher
~ chef wanna-be
~ worry-wart…however, trying to learn to lean on prayer in place of worrying
~ sufferer of Fibromyalgia, but working on exercising everyday and eating low carb is helping (as of Sept. 2022)
~ lover of:
~ Facebook (more like reluctant user)
~ chocolate
~ lists
~ reality TV
~ YouTube
~ music of all sorts
~ cruising
~ Diet Coke Unsweet Tea
~ sleep
~ margaritas

More than you ever wanted to know about me.


~ 49
~ Software Analyst in Facilities Management for Auburn University
~ Eagle Scout
~ passionate volunteer
~ scout leader
~ Braves fan
~ traveling

For those of you who know me in real life may know my kids by a different name. No, they haven’t decided to go by a different name or anything like that. I choose to use nicknames on here, just because I’m paranoid.


~ 26
~ has a job using his Marketing Degree from Auburn University!
~ 2020 Auburn University graduate
~ Eagle Scout
~ got married in February 2023 to Caitlyn…all the wedding posts here
~ soon to be Dad!!
~ watching sports
~ played in the Auburn University Marching band trombone player
~ sang in AU Capella (Auburn University’s all men’s a cappella singing group)


~ Alex
~ 20
~ 2022 AHS graduate
~ works at a local upscale restaurant in the kitchen
~ NBA fan and lover of pick up basketball


~Kayleigh (Instagram)
~ 7
~ playing
~ barking up a tree at squirrels
~ running around with a bone, a toy, a random sock she finds on the floor
~ snuggling
~ just being an all around great dog

~ 9
~ sleeping
~ hanging out with Kayleigh
~ avoiding Drew’s dog, Bigsby, at all costs!
~ eating every 2 hours and going in and out of the house all day
~ being very needy now that both of her entertainers (the boys) are out of the house

All the other Pets (Before)

11 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Melissa

    LOVE that your posting so much Auburn! War Eagle!

  2. Mary

    One. I’m glad you explained how to pronounce your name correctly. I’ve been saying it wrong (in my head) all this time. My mom’s name is Lisa.

    Two. I LOVE how you set up your about me. A cute, unique idea that was catchy, and had be interested to keep reading.

    Three. I enjoy reading your blog, and can’t wait to get to know you even better!

  3. Trish

    Saying hello! Your dog is adorable, I just love corgis as well. We share many of the same ‘loves’… I think we’ll get along just fine!

  4. Chelsea @ A Duck’s Oven

    So great to learn more about you! I was this close to becoming an elementary school teacher myself, but made a late decision to get into the restaurant industry 🙂 Being an Oregon grad and super football fan, we have a little bit of a football rivalry!

  5. Lisa

    So glad to have another Alabama girl here, especially one who is a transplant too! I’m looking forward to getting to know you better through our tribe! I too am a lover a diet coke.

  6. Rebecca

    Hi Lysha! Saying hello back after your sweet visit to my blog. I love this page. I feel like I got to know so much about you in so few words! Looking forward to getting to know you better.

    PS. Daisy is so cute. I just LOVE corgis!

  7. Jenny

    Hey Lysha! Sorry I’m only just catching up on this blog dare. I can’t believe you’ve been blogging for 8 years! That’s so amazing and there’s probably SOOO much we could all learn from you. I’ve been at it about 2.5 years now and I’m still learning every day.

    Looking forward to getting to know you better!

  8. Dianne Yost

    Lysha, First things first . . . War Eagle! I’m a old 1983 journalism grad, found your blog and felt an instant connection. Sorry for the loss of your daddy . . . I read that post.
    I found your blog because I’m a volunteer for Madison Ga.’s upcoming Town & Country Tour of Homes Nov. 30 – Dec. 2 and thought you’d be interested in a topic. The showstopper of the tour is Honeymoon mansion cir. 1851. It’s owned by Atlantan Jimmy Stanton of Stanton Home Furnishings and his partner Patrick Greco. Their main residence is in Atlanta. Jimmy and Patrick bought the home and completely restored it to its glory and it is a magnificent blend of antebellum style with a modern twist. I though you might be interested in this concept and I have images and more info. Please email me at dianneyost@gmail.com . . . P.S. my husband and I both graduated from Auburn and publish Lake Oconee Living and the Morgan County Citizen. It’s always fun to run into a fellow Auburn grad!

    1. Lysha Post author

      War Eagle! Thank you so much for your comment. I sent you an email about this. 🙂

  9. julian green

    My name is Julian Green, I was looking through your site and saw that you share information from the
    National Institutes of Health (NIH). We wanted to thank you for passing along this message of awareness to others.
    Also, I wanted to see if you we’re open to sharing more information on these topics.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

  10. Pingback: All About You - A Camera and A Cookbook

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