Currently – November 2020

By | November 4, 2020

Happy November, ya’ll! It’s time for another Currently post, and I’m just going to jump straight in.

Currently - November 2020

appreciating just all the simple things. Life, health (for the most part), a nice warm house, a family that I love, jobs that provide, good school for my high schooler…During this month of Thanksgiving, I thinks it’s important to think about and appreciate all the things. Even things we often take for granted.

ordering – I’ve been trying to cut back on spending money, so I’ve really only ordered a few things.

Plastic Plant Saucer for some new plants I’ve added to the house.

A new YouTuber I watch recommended this make-up remover. Haven’t started using it yet.

I’ve seen several bloggers use or mention Sea Salt Flakes.

perfecting I don’t feel I’m close to perfecting anything really. I’m working hard to make sure I’m journaling in my new journal daily.

planning for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Bouncing some ideas around for possible travels to visit family.

wearing It’s been a little chili, so I’ve been wearing some of my favorite cardigans.

Join along with the Currently posts at Anne in Residence.

If you’d like to see last month’s Currently post >>> Currently – October 2020

12 thoughts on “Currently – November 2020

    1. Lysha Post author

      I’ve only been using it a few days. Not sure when or if, I’ll see the redness go away like the YouTuber mentioned.

    1. Lysha Post author

      No doubt! I love cardigans because I’m just too hot natured to wear pull over sweaters.

  1. Anne

    I have seen the same about those sea salt flakes. Kind of want to get them and incorporate them into a yummy chocolate chip cookie situation… Thanks for joining in this month!

  2. Joanne

    I’ve been ordering tons of stuff- trying to get my Christmas shopping all wrapped up.

  3. Shea

    I think it’s great that you’re making a point to appreciate the little things. We could all do more of that, especially right now. That’s great that you’re taking time to journal every day too!


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