LIFE Happenings Here’s my weekly posts to catch you up. Week 18 Week 19 Week 20 Week 21 Loving These Jalapeno Stuffed Olives. They have these at Walmart. Happy I…
Here we are for another Monthly Digest. LIFE Happenings Here's my weekly posts to catch you up. Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 & 16 Week 17 Loving Some interesting…
LIFE Happenings It's been a month of catch-up and clean up and trying to get back to normal...if that's a thing. Here's my weekly posts to catch you up. Week…
Hello everyone! Hope everyone is having a great day! I'm over here just trying to get my house back to normal and getting caught up on blogging. Hoping one day…
Here we are for another end of month summary. LIFEHappenings It's been a pretty good month. Since I'm doing my Weekly highlight posts again you can see all the happenings…
LIFE Happenings So December is always a busy time, but this December was even more action packed that I would prefer. Started off with a mammogram. Love the cute, pink…
November was actually a long month for me, but then again I still can't believe it's almost December. It's the Christmas season and I'm just not sure I'm ready for…
How is it almost November?!?! It is just crazy to think how quickly time goes by even though the days often drag by. Anyone else feel that? LIFE Happenings Rob…
Another month has flown by. Here's my Monthly Digest for September 2022! LIFE Happenings We had a great Labor Day weekend. Rob went to Atlanta one Friday morning and instead…
How is it almost September? Life flies by in blink doesn't it? Anyone else using the BeReal app? If you are, add me>> lysha00 Everyday at a different time, everyone…
Here's another monthly digest. LIFE Happenings lots and lots of traveling and wedding planning. Loving Virgin River Season 4. Happy All the travels Excited that Drew & Caitlyn have a…
LIFE Happenings Basically we've been party animals in May, and I'm exhausted! haha Our good family friend's son (who is also a good friend of our son, Drew) got married.…
Traveling at the end of the month really messes me up when it comes to blogging! Here we are for another Monthly Digest! LIFE Happenings Why is that at the…
Here we are nearly halfway through April and I realized I hadn't written my monthly digest for March. So here we are... LIFE Happenings We celebrated Alex's birthday. Still can't…
LIFE Happenings February has FLOWN by, especially because January was like an entire year. You can read my weekly summaries here: Week 5 & 6 Week 7 Loving Decided to…
LIFE Happenings Hiking Read more in my weekly posts: Week 1 & 2 Week 3 Loving This season of The Amazing Race. Happy that Alex is back to enjoying his…
LIFE Happenings its been a crazy month! Week 48 & 49 [2021] Loving time off work. Happy for this time of year to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Excited about…
LIFE Happenings Rob and Drew went to the Braves vs Dodgers NLCS Game Loving the cooler temps lately! Happy that Auburn beat LSU! Excited that the Braves are playing in…