Tag Archives: july 2023

New York 2023: Day 10

By | December 6, 2023

I feel like I’m in a mad dash to get so much done before Christmas…actually the week before Christmas! Anyone else feeling the same way? Anyway, here we are for another cruise/NYC post. If you missed the other posts from this trip you can look here>>>New York 2023 Trip. So on Day 10, it was… Read More »

New York 2023:Day 8

By | November 16, 2023

Here we are for another cruise post. Today I’m sharing about our day in Bermuda. If you missed the other posts from this trip you can look here>>>New York 2023 Trip. We got up early and packed for our day out. Then went to eat breakfast as the ship finished pulling in to port. It… Read More »

New York 2023:Day 6

By | October 25, 2023

Here we are for another travel journal post. Day 6 of our New York trip. In case you missed other posts from this trip, they’re listed here. Day 6 was the last breakfast for Rob’s conference and then we got a tour of Montclair State University since that is where the conference was being hosted.… Read More »

New York 2023:Day 5

By | October 13, 2023

Here we are for Day 5 of our New York/New Jersey trip. See all the posts from this trip here. On day 5 I decided to venture out for a little day trip while Rob was at his conference. I watched a few YouTube videos ahead of time and determined Frenchtown and Lambertville, NJ were… Read More »

New York 2023:Day 2

By | September 23, 2023

Here we are for another travel journal. Today continuing on with our New York trip. If you missed Day 1, you can read about that here >>> Day 1 Here’s all about our 2nd day! We had planned on breakfast at a spot called the Big Tomato, but when we drove over there we saw… Read More »

New York 2023:Day 0 & 1

By | September 20, 2023

Hey yall! Here we are with another trip’s travel journal and I’ve debated on what to title these since it’s a series. I just take too many pics I want to share and have too many details. Anyway, this trip is a New York/New Jersey trip with a cruise from Manhattan thrown in there. It… Read More »

Watching & Listening – July & August 23

By | August 31, 2023

Hello! It’s time for another watching and listening post, where I share what I’ve been watching and listening to the last 2 months. Last month I wrote about my recent YouTube obsessions: YouTube – June & July 23 Oh, we finally pulled the plug on “old” cable. We have add AT&T Uverse for years, but… Read More »

Week 31::2023

By | August 11, 2023

Happy Friday! Here’s last week’s highlights (July 31-August 6, 2023)! Monday, Rob and I had lunch with Alex at the Savahn Thai Kitchen. Always enjoy my time with that boy. I have really been struggling with sleeping some nights. Maybe products from TopShelfBc might help. Last Tuesday I ended up having to go into work… Read More »

Week 29-30:2023

By | August 1, 2023

Here’s a run down of happenings from July 20-30… I got these while in New Jersey at Trader Joe’s. So yummy! I picked one of these up somewhere along our trip and found it to be really good. My new favorite sparkling water for sure! This week back after vacay I really got back to… Read More »

Week 27::2023

By | July 22, 2023

Playing catch up after being gone nearly 2 weeks on vacay and man, does life slap you in the face when coming back to reality. Here’s July 3rd-9th highlights. Tuesday 4th of July Party Thursday Day at Six Flags Got my first tomatoes off the vine finally! Friday Rob and I headed out to the… Read More »

Week 26::2023

By | July 7, 2023

Last week’s highlights (June 26th-July 2nd, 2023)… It’s been a good week besides it being so dang hot. Monday Back to work. Beautiful day outside… Thursday My department had a little going away party for one of our staff members. Saturday Saturday was Lake Day with friends, so we got up and loaded the car… Read More »