Birthday Shortcake
National Championship Celebration
Toomer’s Oak Trees
We are the Champions!
Dozing Daisy::Feeling More & More at Home
Daisy::Our Newest Addition
Meet the newest edition to our family. This beautiful Pembroke Welsh Corgi is Daisy. Some of you may recognize her if you read Tracy’s blog. I “met” her when I started doing the Mommytography project. She commented on my header, which you’ll notice has a Corgi on it. I responded in saying that we were currently Corgi-less, because Rosie passed away last year. Never did I think she would respond saying that she had a Corgi that she would like to find a good home for. I talked it over with Rob and after talking back and forth with Tracy through email, we decided that Daisy sounded like a great fit for our family. It just so happens that Tracy lives in Alabama, so we arranged to meet halfway today.
Goodbye 2010
What did you do in 2010 that you’d never done before?
Went to Oakland Cemetery for a PhotoWalk
Did you keep your new years’ resolutions and will you make more for next year?
I didn’t write any down this year. One of the main ones was to read 1 book a month, which I will be writing a blog post about soon.
Did anyone close to you give birth?
My sister-in-law gave birth to my newest Nephew, Kaleb.