Happy birthday, Drew!

Happy birthday, Drew!

So today is Drew's birthday and yes, he is a teenager! I'm not sure if I start feeling light-headed when I think of that, because it makes me feel old…

Birthday Shortcake

Just a quick shot of Drew before he started to eat his strawberry shortcake. The weekend was a bit busier than I had anticipated and I didn't get a chance…
National Championship Celebration

National Championship Celebration

Today was the celebration. Very moving. Took lots of pics. I couldn't decide which pic to use. Nothing really jumped out at me so I made a collage. See all…
Toomer’s Oak Trees

Toomer’s Oak Trees

I'm not sure I can find the words to express the sadness that the Auburn Family are experiencing because of the impending death of the Toomer's Oak Trees. These are…
We are the Champions!

We are the Champions!

This season has been nothing less than remarkable and amazing. I agree with Coach Chizik in saying that to try and describe it would "cheapen it." As Auburn Alum and…
Dozing Daisy::Feeling More & More at Home

Dozing Daisy::Feeling More & More at Home

**Yes, another picture of Daisy. I just can't help myself. She is so photogenic and doesn't mind the camera, unlike Rosie who would practically run away when she saw me…
Daisy::Our Newest Addition

Daisy::Our Newest Addition

Meet the newest edition to our family. This beautiful Pembroke Welsh Corgi is Daisy. Some of you may recognize her if you read Tracy’s blog. I “met” her when I started doing the Mommytography project. She commented on my header, which you’ll notice has a Corgi on it. I responded in saying that we were currently Corgi-less, because Rosie passed away last year. Never did I think she would respond saying that she had a Corgi that she would like to find a good home for. I talked it over with Rob and after talking back and forth with Tracy through email, we decided that Daisy sounded like a great fit for our family. It just so happens that Tracy lives in Alabama, so we arranged to meet halfway today.

Goodbye 2010

What did you do in 2010 that you’d never done before?
Went to Oakland Cemetery for a PhotoWalk

Did you keep your new years’ resolutions and will you make more for next year?
I didn’t write any down this year. One of the main ones was to read 1 book a month, which I will be writing a blog post about soon.

Did anyone close to you give birth?
My sister-in-law gave birth to my newest Nephew, Kaleb.

Party {eight 12 year olds}

I've had this post about half way done for awhile and am finally making myself finish. We did our traditional sleepover for Drew's birthday. 8 boys came this year. They…

K-mart Conversation

So while at K-mart shopping for a birthday gift for a classmate of Alex's...We've picked out the gift just had to get her a card since he insisted on it!…

Butterfinger Cake

Servings: 16 Prep Time: 30 minutes Cooking Time: 30 minutes Ingredients: 1 box German Chocolate Cake Mix (use directions on box) 5 Butterfinger candy bars 1 jar caramel ice cream…

Living Positively & Happily

Yesterday's sermon was over 2 of the 4 Biblical principles that our Preacher lives by daily. It was again another one of those sermons that I needed to hear. The…

Letter to Drew

Dear Drew, Today is your birthday. You are a DOZEN today. Your last year before teenhood. Scary thought?...yes, very much so. This past year have brought many changed for you.…

7 Random Things About Me

Sharing 7 random things about me today. 1. Rob and I have made a commitment in 2010 to go to church and Sunday School every week. 2. We also just…

My Fav Pics from 2009

I went through all 11,000 pics I took last year! I narrowed it down to about 90 something and then had to choose from there. It was fun and a…

T-Shirt Pillow

I have a box of old T-shirts that the boys have grown out of that I just couldn't bare to throw or give away. Since I've been trying to do…

Update…{well not so much}

I just can't seem to get in a groove of blogging. Well...if I think about it, I really can't get into a groove of anything! If that makes any sense!…
E L E V E N {how can that be?}

E L E V E N {how can that be?}

Today Drew is ELEVEN. I had to type that out to help it sink in. I just can't believe it's been that long. With this age comes a lot of…
Thinking Back...

Thinking back…

Well I had written Drew's birthday entry a couple days ago and you'll see it in a few hours, but since I'm up and I was reading about Harper and…