I’ve had this post about half way done for awhile and am finally making myself finish. We did our traditional sleepover for Drew’s birthday. 8 boys came this year. They were really loud and rambunctious for the first few hours, but when it was time to ‘chill’ they did! They watched The Goonies and loved it!
Each year we notice a little differing conversations and focuses of the party. This year they were really into throwing the football, texting each other their cell phones, and (as I stick my fingers in my ears) talking about girls. I wished I had to videocamera out to record some of the things they said. Hilarious! I did manage to write down a couple things here:
W: I wish I was Freddie. [after Freddie kisses iCarly]
K: Same here!
[While watching some show where 30 year olds are crawling around on the floor]
W: This is just an excuse for grown men to act gay!
Since I’m friends with several of the parents on Facebook, I kept them updated with the latest party happenings. Here’s what I said:
— ready for the 12 year old sleep over. House chock-full of boys. Pray…please pray. 🙂
— So far so good. Football in the front yard, food, now Wii….back from flashlight tag at the Cary Woods Fields. Now outside playing Snatch the Bacon.
— I would have never imagined 12 years ago that we’d have the capability of blasting party updates for all parents to read and all my other ‘friends’.
— watching movie and trying to get them to ((((((calm)))))))) down. So far it’s working…..
Rob said: — [party update] Lysha is fast asleep.
— party was great. Verdict: some kids slept some, some kids slept none, but they went home happy.
— Now….Drew has been sleeping since about 11. Have to wake him up soon so we can take him out.
Here’s pics from the party:

Saturday evening he wanted to go to Shogun for his special birthday dinner so we did and then came home to open gifts and eat cake.