Tag Archives: december 2021

Christmas Weekend 2021

By | January 14, 2022

Playing a little catch up as the last couple weeks have been busy. Here’s my post talk about our lovely Christmas weekend. Christmas Eve’s weather was beautiful. After a couple errands, Rob and I sat outside for a bit that afternoon while Christmas Eve dinner cooked. Kayleigh enjoyed it too. Christmas Eve dinner included Ham,… Read More »

Ideas for a Newbie Cook

By | December 29, 2021

Cooking takes a certain talent and flare. A lot of people decide to order out or eat out because it’s much easier than cooking for themselves. This can become a very expensive habit. What most people don’t realize is that they can save a lot of money by cooking at home, and that cooking can… Read More »

Monthly Digest – December 2021

By | December 29, 2021

LIFE Happenings its been a crazy month! Week 48 & 49 [2021] Loving time off work. Happy for this time of year to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Excited about leaving for the cruise on Christmas Day. Disappointments cancelling our cruise. Dreading getting back to real life after the holidays. Reminiscing about our Christmas Cruise… Read More »

iSpy Photo Challenge 2022

By | December 28, 2021

Here’s to another year of iSpy! Let’s continue to look for the marvelous in the mundane. This is a time to keep photography more at the for front of your mind. Look at things differently. We will continue to list of 5 words to “iSpy” and photograph. Each week you will challenge yourself to see… Read More »

8 Items College Students Need

By | December 23, 2021

If you have a senior in high school like I do, you’re thinking about what college options to consider. Those who have family members serving in the military may consider attending online colleges for military or look into a cyber charter school. After that you have to start considering what they will need when they… Read More »

Monthly Digest – November 2021

By | December 7, 2021

I’m really behind with this post, but I didn’t just not want to post it. LIFE Happenings Week 44 Week 45 Week 46 & 47 Loving that we got the shelving done in our kitchen! Happy with the way Auburn played against Bama. What an epic game! We still didn’t win, but we played our… Read More »

What I Watched on YouTube – Fall 2021

By | December 4, 2021

These last few months (September/October/November) I’ve been finding myself watching more YouTube. I love reality TV, and that’s pretty much what YouTube is. So no wonder I love it so much! Travel Kara and Nate The Endless Adventure Hiking Homemade Wanderlust Julia Sheehan JeniferJourneys Darwin on the Trail Becca “Little Skittle” Lifestyle Eamon & Bec… Read More »