
Happy Anniversary! {17 Years}

Happy Anniversary, Rob! Today Rob and I are celebrating 17 years of marital bliss! I couldn't be happier to have spent this time with him through all the trials and…
Saying Goodbye To Summertime

Saying Goodbye to Summertime…

As usual the summer blew by in a heartbeat and here I am, just sad that it's over. I'm not super excited about the kids going back to school and…
Rob’s Award

Rob’s Award

Rob got an award at work. Yeah, he's been at this job less than a year and is already getting recognized. So proud of him! He got a certificate, the…
Lake Martin on Memorial Day 2014

Lake Martin on Memorial Day 2014

The Friday before Memorial Day weekend, we loaded up the car, with the best camping gifts for a fun weekend of camping on the lake with the F@rrow Family. Among our essentials, we also brought along this Mini Katana for our camping adventure.

Memorial Day at

Drew and his friend, Joe, who the 2nd eldest child of the F@rrow bunch, got to the lake early afternoon. When we arrived they had all of the tents set up. The big canopy tent for us to use for shade as well as the cooking area. Since we had some of the cooking gear with us, they helped unload that and quickly took to the task of cooking dinner for all of us.
Memorial Day at

That evening we enjoyed our dinner of yellow rice with summer sausage prepared by the ever so awesome 16 year olds! Then, we just sat back and relaxed, while some of us took a dip in the lake to cool off.


Happy 16th Anniversary!

16 year wedding anniversary stats: -Lived in 5 different places all in the same city (2 apartments, 1 duplex, 2 houses) -Owned 7 vehicles (5 cars and 2 SUVs [1…
Duly Earned Award

Duly Earned Award

Last week, Rob was honored to be given a much deserved "District Award of Merit" for all his hard work in scouts over all. Very proud of him! I was…

Memories of the Month {11.2012}

This month I was happy about: getting the kitchen done! This month I was sad about: Auburn high losing in the 3rd round of the playoffs. Somethings I accomplished this…
Aerosmith & Cheap Trick

Aerosmith & Cheap Trick

Thursday, Rob, Drew, 2 other friends of ours, and I went to Atlanta to see Cheap Trick and Aerosmith. Aerosmith's plays list could have been better, but over all great…
Date Night in Decatur

Date Night in Decatur

Yesterday, we dropped the kids off so that they could hang out with their Uncle Nick while Rob and I escaped for a date night in Decatur, GA. One of…
Boy Scout Open House

Boy Scout Open House

Teenager's Boy Scout Troop has been using part of the upstairs offices in Rob's company's building. As a thank you to Rob's company, the Troop put on an Open House…
Valentine’s Gift Gone Wrong…Again

Valentine’s Gift Gone Wrong…Again

This year the Friday before Valentine's Day we had a lovely dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse. Rob's company paid for our dinner so we enjoyed a full 3 course meal. Here's…
The Story Of Us

The Story Of Us

In honor of Valentine’s Day, I’ve noticed many of my blogger friends have been linking up with From Mrs. to Mama. I decided to do it as well.

Rob and Me through the years
Picture from each year we’ve been together. 🙂

Viral or Bacterial?

Ok, so Sunday evening (Jan.15) Rob and the kids and I watched National Treasure. Then, after putting the kids to bed Rob and I started watching P.S. I Love You.…
30 days of Thankfulness – Day 9

30 days of Thankfulness – Day 9

Today I'm thankful for the great Scouting program that we have here in Auburn. I'm very proud to say that my hubby, Rob is a huge reason that the pack…