Today I’m thankful for the great Scouting program that we have here in Auburn. I’m very proud to say that my hubby, Rob is a huge reason that the pack that Alex is in is the biggest pack in Auburn and the best! 🙂 I’m thankful we have the opportunity to be able to fundraise to help, not only our fees for the year, but also the pack and the council. Drew uses his money for his fees to pay for all the camping trips through out the year.
Many people when it comes time to narrowing down what activities their boys do, put scouting on the bottom of the list, so they drop out. I’m happy that Drew has made it a priority through out and is currently a Life Scout, rank under Eagle. Rob is an Eagle Scout. I hope that Alex decides to crossover to Boy Scouts when the time comes. Putting sports before scouts is a choice that people make, but I know that Rob has been put on the top of job hiring lists because he was an eagle scout, not because he played little league.