Tag Archives: January 2016

Memories of the Month {1.2016}

By | January 31, 2016

This month I was happy about: –Drew turning 18! Read what we did on his birthday here.–Getting new carpet. (post coming soon) –Leaving on a cruise with Rob for 10 days. Here’s all the posts about our cruise. This month I was sad about: being so far behind on blogging. grrr This year I’m going… Read More »

Louisiana Visit (2016)

By | January 16, 2016

After our Texas visits and driving from Huntsville, TX to Baton Rouge, LA, we enjoyed spending time with Rob’s family (his cousin and her husband and their 8 kids). The kids enjoyed playing basketball. Reading together Sitting around the fire since it was a little chili out. Riding scooters We all piled around the table… Read More »

Texas Visit

By | January 15, 2016

After our eventful Christmas Eve and our fairly relaxing Christmas Day, it was full steam ahead headed west! First stop was to see Rob’s sister and family in Longview, TX. We got there late on Saturday, spent all day Sunday, and left after grabbing breakfast on Monday. Sunday the kids played outside for a good… Read More »

Chicken Strip Sliders

By | January 4, 2016

This is more of an idea than a recipe; Chicken Strip Sliders. Sandwiches is an easy throw together recipe often needed for a last minute tummy filler. They can be as simple as a grabbing some slider buns, chicken nuggets, or strips and your favorite sauce (honey mustard, BBQ, etc.) This week, I took it… Read More »