Tag Archives: new orleans

Carnival Glory:Day 7 & 8:New Orleans

By | March 12, 2023

Now that we’re done with the bulk of the wedding posts, I thought we could jump back into another Cruise post, because yeah, I’m still sharing about this epic trip! One day, I’ll get caught up! If you missed the last cruise post, here it is> Day 6 Cozumel. Day 7 was a day at… Read More »

Louisiana Visit (2016)

By | January 16, 2016

After our Texas visits and driving from Huntsville, TX to Baton Rouge, LA, we enjoyed spending time with Rob’s family (his cousin and her husband and their 8 kids). The kids enjoyed playing basketball. Reading together Sitting around the fire since it was a little chili out. Riding scooters We all piled around the table… Read More »

Sugar Bowl Trip 2005::New Orleans, LA

By | February 28, 2013

It’s not like I don’t have enough to do, but I find these little things that irritate me that become my obsession until I do them. One of which is going through my old Xanga posts namely Travel posts and reposting them with pics and more cohesiveness. The first one I found after talking to… Read More »