Arrow of Light Ceremony 2013

Arrow of Light Ceremony 2013

This past Saturday evening our Pack celebrated the accomplishments of 9 of scouts who have earned the Arrow of Light award. This year we did the ceremony at the Forest…
First Soccer Game of the Season

First Soccer Game of the Season

Tonight was Drew's first game as an AHS Jr. Varsity player. He got to play most of the game. It was very, very cold, but luckily Auburn won (by a…

How is it?

...That I now have a 15 year old? I mean really! It blows my mind. Yesterday was Drew's birthday. We celebrated by going to Shogun, where we feasted on Japanese…
Troop 50 Christmas Party

Troop 50 Christmas Party

Last night we attended Drew's Troop Christmas Party. After dinner, the boys tried to stump the Scoutmaster by tying knots and then, he had to attempt to tie it. Needless,…

Christmas Tree Shopping 2012

Yesterday we headed out to Wetumpka to the tree farm we found last year. Somebody's ready to cut one down! Alex says, "This one is just my size!" We quickly…

Memories of the Month {11.2012}

This month I was happy about: getting the kitchen done! This month I was sad about: Auburn high losing in the 3rd round of the playoffs. Somethings I accomplished this…

Win with Grace? Lose with dignity

Drew's high school, AHS made it to the 3rd round of the playoffs. Drew has been super excited that they continue to win, as he really wanted to perform (marching…
Saturday Soccer

Saturday Soccer

Here's a couple collages with just a few pics from Drew's game and Alex's Game. They played great and pulled out big wins! See all the pics from their games…
End of a Soccer Era

End of a Soccer Era

Now that soccer season is almost half over, it's way passed due for me to talk about the end of an era. Back in the summer, Drew tried out for…

Busy Football Friday

Friday was a busy day. As much as I had hoped to get a lot of items marked off my to-do-list, it just didn't happen. I spent about half a…
Back to School Days

Back to School {2012}

School finally started today! It was supposed to start 2 weeks ago, but just before school was out our state legislature decided to mandate schools to start later this year.…

Drew’s Room

During the month of June, Drew and I worked to get his room clean. Here's what we did: -made three piles of clothes (keep, keepsakes, pass down to Alex) The…

Don’t hide stuff here!

A few weeks ago, we were traveling somewhere and Alex was "playing a game" with Drew, where he would hide the folded-up straw wrapper and Drew would have to guess…
Camp Sequoyah

Camp Sequoyah

This year Drew decided to attend a different Boy Scout camp. Since his troop is so large they usually have 2 different groups go to 2 different camps. The last…
Becoming a Better Leader

Becoming a Better Leader

Last week, Teenager was away at his first camp of the summer. We dropped him off on Sunday at Camp Jamison which is part of Camp Bert Adams, the wilderness…


Last week, Drew was away at his first camp of the summer. We dropped him off on Sunday at Camp Jamison which is part of Camp Bert Adams, the wilderness…
Boy Scout Open House

Boy Scout Open House

Teenager's Boy Scout Troop has been using part of the upstairs offices in Rob's company's building. As a thank you to Rob's company, the Troop put on an Open House…
I’m not normally squeamish…

I’m not normally squeamish…

Today I took Drew to the dentist, because last week at his orthodontist appointment, they expressed that he was still having over crowding and they felt it necessary to remove…