Now that soccer season is almost half over, it’s way passed due for me to talk about the end of an era. Back in the summer, Drew tried out for Auburn Thunder, elite soccer club that travels. He’s played with them since being invited back in 2008. He made the team, but with the way the teams shook out and the coach and just other circumstances with getting older, he decided not to play with Thunder this year. It really made me sad. It’s been a way of life for us all these years. The good part about it is we made some life long friends that have kept in touch with us and we saved a lot of $$$$! This fall he’s been playing on rec league and hopes to try out for the school team in the spring. Here’s a few pics of his game last night.

Love the sun flare in this one.
Interesting sun flare in this one.
Sweet sun flare! Love the action shots. We only have one more year of soccer and then I don’t know what my son will do. Hard to find a team for high school when you homeschool.