Spreading My Dad’s Ashes
Dad’s Birthday
Dad’s Birthday
letter to dad #1
Dear Dad,
Dad, I know you’re watching from Heavens above. That brings me comfort. Today I am home by myself getting some work done, 80’s music blaring in the back ground. You know 80’s music is by far my favorite music of all time. Now that you’re gone, though, sometimes it’s hard to listen to certain songs without just tearing up. And well sometimes just absolutely breaking down into tears like today. Memories of spending weekends with you, running errands, watching you talk on your bag phone back when having a bag phone was cool. I mean a “cell” phone in the 80’s? You were so cool! Especially to me.
Memories in a Bottle {Cremation Necklaces}
After my Dad passed away and I started thinking and I thought about ways to be able to keep just a little bit of Dad’s ashes. He wants his ashes spread in the Florida Keys and I hope to be able to go down there soon. I wanted to be able to go down there before the end of this year, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to swing it. Oh, I digress….
Anyway, I found that you could order necklaces. I asked my brothers if they wanted one and if so to pick one out and let me know. So they did. I went back and forth about which one to get and finally decided on one.
6 Months….
Remembering Dad Today…
I’m just not even sure how or where to start with this post. The past few days I’ve been in anticipating Father’s Day rolling around and have been seriously dreading it! It’s not surprising that “Father’s Day” takes on a new definition when your Dad dies. My definition of Father’s Day now includes a tug in my heart knowing that my Dad is no longer just a phone call away. Instead, I’ll get a lump in my throat thinking back to last November and December when he suffered physically and mentally, only because he saw what was going on with his body. He felt each neuron fire off for the last time and one by one each muscle was destined to wither away.
The Riding Continues On…
More thoughts…and pics of Dad
I received my Dad’s ashes a couple of weeks ago. I’m thankful to have them in my possession now. So I’ve started to casually look at the costs of going down to the Florida Keys, where he wanted to be spread. I am thankful to have one loose end taken care of and I hope to have more closure when we take this trip. I’ll share more about that as it comes about. I am thankful he picked somewhere beautiful and tropical.
I just continue to find myself grasping for something when it comes to missing Dad. I am missing him more than ever now, which I suppose is natural. My cousin and uncle sent several pics of my Dad from Christmas Day. I am so thankful for these are the last photos taken of Dad.
Pics of my Uncle Guy showing my Dad the pet hedgehog.