Spreading My Dad’s Ashes

By | July 16, 2015

Never in a million years did I imagine that I would be spreading my Dad’s ashes before I even turned 40! You can read all about his journey with ALS, which was a quick one actually. On my last visit to see him, he expressed to Rob and me that he wanted to be “blowing in the wind.” Well on January 1st, 2015 that’s exactly what he was doing before his ashes finally met the salty ocean waters just off the coast of Marathon Key.

You’ll see in the video, me just standing there after the ashes are poured out. I’m standing there, because I watched the charcoal gray powder float in the turquoise waters until they finally descended out of sight.

After Captain Dave pulled up anchor he was showing us around different cool places from the water, like the Marina and the Yacht Club, as well as restaurants that sit along the water. In the video, you’ll see a couple gorgeous dolphins that make an appearance for us along side the boat.

You can find out more about our time out on the water on the post below:
Morning at Sea

2 thoughts on “Spreading My Dad’s Ashes

  1. Pingback: Morning at Sea off Marathon Key - A Camera and A Cookbook

  2. Pingback: 40 by 40 {a list} - A Camera and A Cookbook

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