Tag Archives: 2013

Missing my boy…

By | June 28, 2013

Dear Drew, Man, you’ve been gone just over 2 weeks now. I’ve missed you like crazy! It was kinda funny, the Thursday before you left, that evening, I was missing you already and you hadn’t even left yet. Before I left that afternoon to go to work, you and I laid across the bed and… Read More »

1 Month and No Diet Coke

By | June 5, 2013

One month ago today, I quit Diet Coke and really all sodas for that matter. I went cold turkey from May 5th on. Before that I was weaning myself off, but I knew the caffeine headaches would be brutal. They still were for about 2 1/2 weeks after I quit. Someday I satiated the headaches… Read More »

Last Day

By | May 23, 2013

Looking on Facebook this morning, being bombarded by pics of my friends with kids graduating from high school tonight just has me feeling so different emotions. Mostly a nervous feeling with the knowledge that we’ll be there in just 3 quick years, I’ll be sitting in their shoes. That in itself makes me feel, not… Read More »

Graduation Party

By | May 20, 2013

Our friends the F@rrows’ oldest is graduating from high school this week and we were invited to a little get together for her and her best friend. Here’s a few pics. After I took this, she said, “OOoo! I hope that looks ok.” I think I caught her off guard.

A lesson learned?

By | May 19, 2013

Sometimes it takes something bad happening for us to learn a lesson. Back in February, Drew tested our parenting words. We told him his brand new iPod that he received for Christmas was “as good as stolen if you take it to school!” I’m not sure what about that didn’t sink in with him. The… Read More »

A whole lotta hollarin’

By | May 8, 2013

Source: diaryofamadmommy-londi.blogspot.com via MagnoliaMom on Pinterest I came across a great blog today called The Orange Rhino challenge. I think I may have seen it before. However, today something made me look a little further when Google brought it to me while I was looking for something else. Anyway, I found it appealing to the… Read More »