Memories of the Month - Taking time to document the important memories from January.

Memories of the Month {6.2013}

Realized I never posted this... This month I was happy about: that Drew was able to have the opportunity of a life time to go to Philmont. This month I…
Missing my boy…

Missing my boy…

Dear Drew, Man, you've been gone just over 2 weeks now. I've missed you like crazy! It was kinda funny, the Thursday before you left, that evening, I was missing…
Cub Scout Beach Trip 2013::Pensacola, FL

Cub Scout Beach Trip 2013::Pensacola, FL

This past weekend was the Annual Cub Scout Pack Summer trip, but instead of venturing to higher ground, we braved the heat at the beach. Yes, we camped near the beach in Pensacola, Florida. Many leaders suggest it every year and every year a few other leaders are quick to nicks the idea. However, this year we thought we’d give it a turn.

We stayed at Big Lagoon State Park, which was quite large with lots of camping areas. (Wikipedia)


After Breakfast of egg, sausage, & potato scramble, we had a quick FYI meeting and a group picture.

The braves souls that beat the heat!

1 Month and No Diet Coke

1 Month and No Diet Coke

One month ago today, I quit Diet Coke and really all sodas for that matter. I went cold turkey from May 5th on. Before that I was weaning myself off,…
Memories of the Month - Taking time to document the important memories from January.

Memories of the Month {5.2013}

This month I was happy about: Drew being elected to be the Senior Patrol of his troop as well as finding out Drew's iPod was recovered and that we got…
AHS Graduation 2013

AHS Graduation 2013

Thursday, Drew played during his high school's graduation. I decided to go in support of Drew as well as many friends who had kids crossing the stage. See all the…
Remembering the Last Few Years….

Remembering the Last Few Years….

Dear Drew and Alex, Man, how times flies when your havin' fun and as crazy busy as we are. Today was the last day of school for y'all and know…

Last Day

Looking on Facebook this morning, being bombarded by pics of my friends with kids graduating from high school tonight just has me feeling so different emotions. Mostly a nervous feeling…
Trip to Birmingham

Trip to Birmingham

Drew and the AHS JV soccer team were in a tournament back in April. He went up with the team. Rob and I went up Friday night to watch the 2 games. Drove back to our friends’ lake house in Dadeville, then served at Emmaus Saturday morning and headed back up to Birmingham after that. Alex was with Rob’s mom while we did all this.

Graduation Party

Our friends the F@rrows' oldest is graduating from high school this week and we were invited to a little get together for her and her best friend. Here's a few…
A lesson learned?

A lesson learned?

Sometimes it takes something bad happening for us to learn a lesson. Back in February, Drew tested our parenting words. We told him his brand new iPod that he received…
Being the Hands & Feet

Being the Hands & Feet

Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered. ~ Proverbs 11:25 ESV Oh what a marvelous feeling it is to know you're doing something…

A whole lotta hollarin’

Source: via MagnoliaMom on Pinterest I came across a great blog today called The Orange Rhino challenge. I think I may have seen it before. However, today something made…
End of the Season Soccer Banquet

End of the Season Soccer Banquet

So proud of Drew's JV soccer team this year. 63 goals scored and only 8 allowed the whole season. Fantastic players, wonderful parents, and great coaches. Coaches Carey and Mark…

All of a sudden…

I was sitting at the staff computer up at the our front desk, not evening touching the keyboard, when all of sudden the keyboard and the keyboard tray crashes into…
{Like a} Funeral for a Friend

{Like a} Funeral for a Friend

I woke up Tuesday morning feeling sick to my stomach. Feeling as if I was missing the funeral for my best friend. That yearning in my heart that told me,…