Last Day

By | May 23, 2013

Looking on Facebook this morning, being bombarded by pics of my friends with kids graduating from high school tonight just has me feeling so different emotions. Mostly a nervous feeling with the knowledge that we’ll be there in just 3 quick years, I’ll be sitting in their shoes. That in itself makes me feel, not only old, but sick to my stomach. I’m not ready for that…at. all! Knowing Drew will more than likely be going to Auburn University, meaning he won’t be moving away, you’d think would help calm those feelings, but they don’t.

Today is the last day of school (obviously). I always do a first day of school pics, but this year I made the boys take last day of school pics. Both boys are moving up to new schools next year. Drew to the high school for 10th grade. Alex up the brand new school for 4th grade.

Moving on Up

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