I recently saw a really cool blog post called “Year in Review” and I loved the way she did it, so I’m totally copying her. (Blog now removed) 🙂
(This post took an eternity to write/gather. Hopefully everything makes sense and is in the right place 🙂
Started off the year with a new addition, Daisy

and a National Championship. AWESOME!
National Championship Celebration
My Strawberry Shortcake-eating Drew
Rob went on his Walk to Emmaus.
Life starts getting quite busy again with all the boys’ activities back in full swing.
Alex’s Pinewood Derby car proved to be a champion!
We learned the the revered Toomer’s Oaks had been poisoned and will likely die.
I went on Walk to Emmaus. Amazing!
Drew was confirmed at our church.
Trip through Perdido Key, Fl
My Grandmother passed away so we had to Texas. We met up with nearly everyone in the Wells family at Joe T. Garcia’s, an amazing Mexican Restaurant that I haven’t been to in years.
While in Texas, we got to eat at one of our fav restaurants of all time, Ton’s Mongolian Grill,
and visited the Stock Yards.
We enjoyed camping in Birmingham with our friends
Watching Alex play machine pitched baseball.
I gave blood for the 1st time!
Trip to Nashville for a soccer tourney
Drew was called out for the Order of the Arrow; a prestigious part of Scouting
We spent Memorial Day at the lake with friends and family.
Drew earned the next rank in Boy Scouts, Life Scout!
I got my new job!
We enjoyed our annual 4th of July trip to the mountains.
And another trip to the mountains, except this time for a Cub Scout family campout at Lake Winfield Scott.
Braces for the Drew
Back to school: 8th grade & 2nd grade
Photographed my 1st wedding!
Auburn Photowalk
Back to crafting!
Amazing fall colors this year
Love the fall flowering bushes in our backyard
So excited that our Pack made such an awesome float for the Auburn Christmas Parade! LEGOS!!
Drew in his tux for his band concert.
Started couponing! Saving 50-70% on my grocery bill. No this is not EXTREME couponing.
Alex was a shepherd in the Christmas Pageant on Christmas Eve
Daisy enjoyed Christmas
WOW! So many memories made. So glad I have photos and my blog to help me remember. 🙂 Happy 2012 everybody!