Tag Archives: work

Mell Classroom Building at RBD Library

By | September 26, 2017

Dynamics at work have changed a bit, because the addition that has been under construction since December 2015 is now finished and open. This $35 million addition adds 26 state of the art classrooms, 2 large lecture halls, study rooms, and open study spaces that span 69,000 square feet in 3 stories. This mecca is… Read More »

Good News!

By | March 6, 2014

So the other day, I eluded to the fact that I had some exciting news! Although, it shouldn’t effect my blogging at all, my family will totally benefit from it. My 2nd shift (3pm-12am) shifts are no more!! I am taking on a new role at work, which enables me to be a normal human… Read More »

Life Update

By | November 23, 2009

I’ve been so busy lately. I started a temporary job at the Auburn University Library. I’m there four days a week M-Th from 6 pm to 12 am. I also substitute as much as possible and still work at the day care teaching music M & W. All this means that if I sub on… Read More »