Tag Archives: March 2014

Liebster Award

By | March 25, 2014

A fellow ALWB blogger, Carol, has nominated me for The Liebster Award. Thanks so much, Carol! Now I get to answer the 11 questions, she asked. So here goes… 1. Are you a cat or dog person? I am a dog person, no doubt. I don’t mind cats except that they jump up on everything… Read More »

Good News!

By | March 6, 2014

So the other day, I eluded to the fact that I had some exciting news! Although, it shouldn’t effect my blogging at all, my family will totally benefit from it. My 2nd shift (3pm-12am) shifts are no more!! I am taking on a new role at work, which enables me to be a normal human… Read More »

Tiffany & Dad

By | March 5, 2014

I am really missing my Dad lately. I was excited to get some pics that my cousin, Tiffany, took in December on a couple different occasions. Here’s one from December 14, 2013 of my Dad and Tiffany. I just look at this picture and I just still can’t fathom that he is gone. His body… Read More »