Tag Archives: september 2012

Too Good Not to Share

By | September 27, 2012

One of my former student workers recently posted an awesome link to facebook and it’s just too good not to share. I’ve spent an hour just scrolling through. It’s called Underground New York Public Library, which “is a visual library featuring the Reading-Riders of the NYC subways” by Ourit Ben-Haim. A concept so simple yet… Read More »

Carnival Dream::Day 2 {Sea Day}

By | September 26, 2012

~ Day 1::Day of Embarkation ~ Day 3::Cozumel ~ Day 4::Belize ~ Day 5::Roatan 1 ~ Day 5::Roatan 2 ~ Day 6::Costa Maya ~ Day 7::Day at Sea ~ Day 8::Disembarkation/Daytona ~ Sunday we started the day off with breakfast in the Dining Room. After breakfast, we took Alex to Camp Carnival and the rest… Read More »

Carnival Dream::Day 1 {Embarkation}

By | September 25, 2012

Here’s my first of probably at least 7 posts about our cruise earlier this month that will include lots of cruising tips. They may be a little spread out, but I’m just super busy now and am working on writing these up and going through photos as I have time. Friday we left to head… Read More »

Game Day for Scouts

By | September 19, 2012

Saturday was Scout Day at Auburn University’s football game, which means all Scouts and Scout leaders get in free! It was an 11:20 kick off which made for another early day. Rob is in charge of giving out tickets for the Boy Scouts, so we had to be on campus at 9am. We took the… Read More »