Monthly Digest – December 2021

Monthly Digest – December 2021

LIFE Happenings its been a crazy month! Week 48 & 49 [2021] Loving time off work. Happy for this time of year to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Excited about…
Monthly Digest – November 2021

Monthly Digest – November 2021

I'm really behind with this post, but I didn't just not want to post it. LIFE Happenings Week 44 Week 45 Week 46 & 47 Loving that we got the…
Monthly Digest – October 2021

Monthly Digest – October 2021

LIFE Happenings Rob and Drew went to the Braves vs Dodgers NLCS Game Loving the cooler temps lately! Happy that Auburn beat LSU! Excited that the Braves are playing in…
Monthly Digest – September 2021

Monthly Digest – September 2021

This isn't the typical Monthly Digest, but instead I'm just including the happy things and I'm just going to leave it at that! ♥️ LIFE Happenings Went to an Auburn…
Monthly Digest – August 2021

Monthly Digest – August 2021

LIFE Happenings Honestly right now all I can think about is this dang COVID that I have and I could probably make every answer to these COVID related. I don't…
Monthly Digest – July 2021

Monthly Digest – July 2021

WOW! We are over half way done with 2021! How can it be?!?! I have wanted to revamp some of my posts and consolidate, so I'm starting with the WUW…
Memories of the Month {6.2021}

Memories of the Month {6.2021}

This month I was happy about: good new from Drew, which I talk about later in the post! This month I was sad about: I have been sad about a…
Memories of the Month {5.2021}

Memories of the Month {5.2021}

This month I was happy about: my hip pain is better. Hoping it stays that way. Here's my rating system for entertainment: ♥ ♥ = Love it! A must read/see!…
Memories of the Month {4.2021}

Memories of the Month {4.2021}

I'm on the blogging struggle bus, but I'm working hard to try and stay on top of things or at least get posts out as I can. This month I…
Memories of the Month {3.2021}

Memories of the Month {3.2021}

This month I was happy about: Spring break was great! This month I was sad about: After we visited Rob's Gramma while we were down in Florida, she has a…
Memories of the Month {2.2021}

Memories of the Month {2.2021}

This month I was happy about: Just still loving being able to work from home the majority of the time. I know this will end in the coming months, so…
Memories of the Month {1.2021}

Memories of the Month {1.2021}

This month I was happy about: good medical news. This month I was sad about: family members getting COVID. Here's my rating system for entertainment: ♥ ♥ = Love it!…