All About You

All About You

Hey yall! Today I'm excited to be linking up with good ol' blog friend, Leslie and my new blog friend, Carrie. They are starting a new series called from Texas…
June To Do List

June To Do List

So lately, well really for a long long time, it seems I've been all about travel here on the blog. I love sharing our travels with you but those posts…
Cancer Scare...

My Cancer Scare…

So it doesn't matter how many times doctors and nurses tell you something. Anytime the C word [Cancer] is involved it scares the absolute life out of you. I went…
Making Ron Famous

Making Ron Famous

The other day after work I was out running errands for Drew's graduation party. I hate when I have one thing to get and it seems like the simplest thing…
Atlanta to San Juan

Atlanta to San Juan

The day we left for San Juan, we got up with the kids and saw them off to school before finishing up with our packing and running a few errands.…
Memories of the Month - Taking time to document the important memories from January.

Memories of the Month {9.2015}

Y'all I'm a bit aggravated. Fall is always a busy time in my household, but this year has been craaaaa-zy! I'm just trying to keep my head above water. October…
Memories of the Month - Taking time to document the important memories from January.

Memories of the Month {8.2015}

This month I was happy about: getting to go to 2 weddings. This year I'm going to rate the books & movies. Here's my rating system: ♥ ♥ = Love…

18 years, What?

Today is Rob and my 18th wedding anniversary! Every year I'm amazed at how quickly time is flying by and it is just incredible. No one realized how life and…
40 by 40 {a list}

40 by 40 {a list}

40 by 40 {a list} - do you have a list of goals you're working towards?

Yesterday was a big birthday for me. I’ve entered my last year in my 30’s. **cringe!** My 40th birthday is in spitting distance. 🙁 So I decided to make a list of 40 things to accomplish this year. I plan to mark them off my list as I do them and may even write blog posts about many of them. So here they are…

Liebster Award

Liebster Award

A fellow ALWB blogger, Carol, has nominated me for The Liebster Award. Thanks so much, Carol! Now I get to answer the 11 questions, she asked. So here goes... 1.…
1 Month and No Diet Coke

1 Month and No Diet Coke

One month ago today, I quit Diet Coke and really all sodas for that matter. I went cold turkey from May 5th on. Before that I was weaning myself off,…
Being the Hands & Feet

Being the Hands & Feet

Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered. ~ Proverbs 11:25 ESV Oh what a marvelous feeling it is to know you're doing something…


this was written awhile back... listen.... do you hear that? it is so loud. i can't block it out. i can't wish it away            ~believe…
My Afternoon with Alex

My Afternoon with Alex

Thursday afternoon Alex's Cub Scouts went to church to help make up boxes for the food pantry. Our church provides food for those that are need every Friday and they…
Happy birthday to me!

Happy birthday to me!

Getting a year older may not be any fun, but getting to pick out cupcakes at Gi Gi's sure is. What a special treat from Rob! I love Gi Gi's…

Calgon take me away….

As if it weren't difficult enough coming back from a week long vacation. Getting back to reality after a week away is just down right hard. We've also had (one…

Busy Football Friday

Friday was a busy day. As much as I had hoped to get a lot of items marked off my to-do-list, it just didn't happen. I spent about half a…
Aerosmith & Cheap Trick

Aerosmith & Cheap Trick

Thursday, Rob, Drew, 2 other friends of ours, and I went to Atlanta to see Cheap Trick and Aerosmith. Aerosmith's plays list could have been better, but over all great…
Date Night in Decatur

Date Night in Decatur

Yesterday, we dropped the kids off so that they could hang out with their Uncle Nick while Rob and I escaped for a date night in Decatur, GA. One of…