Tag Archives: may 2012


By | May 29, 2012

We’re in the first full week of summer, so keeping the boys busy is key to my sanity. Drew has a lot going on through the entire summer. Alex has a couple weeks of activities, so he has a lot more down time. We finally took advantage of the free bowling passes that the kids… Read More »

Friday Letters

By | May 24, 2012

Dear saleman at King Honda, Please quit making unsolicited phone calls to my home and cell phone. No, really! I don’t want to trade in my 1994 Acura Legend. That’s why I haven’t answered my phone since the first time you called last year! Just fair warning, next time you call, you will be sorry!… Read More »

I’m not normally squeamish…

By | May 24, 2012

Today I took Drew to the dentist, because last week at his orthodontist appointment, they expressed that he was still having over crowding and they felt it necessary to remove 4 permanent teeth. Do this this will make more room and allow the teeth to spread out a bit so his front teeth don’t have… Read More »

Mom & Me Tea

By | May 23, 2012

Friday, I went to Alex’s class for the Mom & Me Tea, well, there was lemonade. The class read a poem called, “I’m Trying So Hard” It was so sweet. I wished I would have videoed it! Here’s the poem: I’m trying so hard To be really good, And do all the things I know… Read More »

Scripture Picture {1 Peter 5:7}

By | May 12, 2012

Let Him have all your worries and cares, for He is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you. ~1 Peter 5:7 I love photography and love the Bible. What’s better than putting the 2 things together, right? So link up and spread the Word. 🙂 Here’s what you do to join the… Read More »

Friday Letters

By | May 11, 2012

Dear week, No offense, but I am so glad you’re over! That is all! MM Dear driver, When you’re sitting at a red light, do you forget that your car has windows? Yes, you may feel like you’re in your own little world, but I can see you digging in your nose. It’s gross. MM… Read More »

Sunday Snapshot {Soccer}

By | May 6, 2012

Today Drew played in the 2nd of game of the State Cup. He got to play on the field with the stadium type bleachers and a press box. I like this shot because it looks like he’s running on air. Photography/editing blurb: I cropped this a bit and I debated whether to crop out the… Read More »

Scripture Picture {Romans 6:4}

By | May 5, 2012

We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. ~Romans 6:4 (NIV) I love photography and love the Bible. What’s better than putting the 2 things together, right? So link… Read More »

Friday Letters

By | May 4, 2012

Dear Dr. Principal, I’m flattered that you think I’m an 8th or 9th grader. Although, I find it sad that my child says you don’t know any of the students and he’s not surprised you would make such mistake. Now that you have your PhD, maybe you should work on getting to know your parents… Read More »