Tag Archives: June 2005

Busy Weekend

By | June 26, 2005

We had a busy weekend. Saturday we went to Birminham and went to the Birmingham Botanical & Japanese Gardens. Then, we went to the Summit to shop. We ate dinner at Carrabba’s Italian Grill, which is so awesome! We really had a good time. I’ll post pictures later. Now we’re getting ready to head to… Read More »


By | June 23, 2005

This summer is flying by like it always does! I’ve been juggling time with my kids with trying to get stuff done for work! I just love people who say that teachers get off 3 months for summer and yada-yada-yada! I know that I only get 9 weeks off and 1 to 2 of those… Read More »

50 Questions

By | June 8, 2005

1. Your name spelled backwards: natsrl (not going to use my real name) 2. Where were your parents born? Fort Worth, TX 3. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? iTunes html thingy 4. What’s your favorite restaurant? Chili’s 5. Last time you swam in a pool? last summer 6. Have you… Read More »

9 Layers

By | June 5, 2005

LAYER ONE: ~ Name: LRStan ~ Birth date: September 30 ~ Birthplace: Richland Hills, TX ~ Current Location: Auburn, AL ~ Eye Color: hazel ~ Hair Color: Red with natural blonde highlights ~ Height: 5′ 5″ ~ Righty or Lefty: righty ~ Zodiac Sign: Libra LAYER TWO: ~ Your heritage: english/irish ~ The shoes you… Read More »