Monthly Digest – January 2022

Monthly Digest – January 2022

LIFE Happenings Hiking Read more in my weekly posts: Week 1 & 2 Week 3 Loving This season of The Amazing Race. Happy that Alex is back to enjoying his…

Week 4 [2022]

Here's a few pics from this last week...January 24-30, 2022 One day this week, I got to work early and snapped this shot as I walked in. I got a…
iSpy #56

iSpy #56

On Your Plate - Quarterly I went to lunch with one of my former student workers who just moved back to Auburn for grad school. We ate at Burgerfi. Hanging…
Week 3 [2022]

Week 3 [2022]

January has been the longest ever!! Ugh! This last week (January 17-23, 2022) was aggravating. It started off great. Alex and Rob got back on Monday from the ski trip…
iSpy #55

iSpy #55

Hey yall! Sorry about the mess up with last week's link up. I entered the wrong dates, but updated it now and you can actually go back and still add…
Week 1 & 2 [2022]

Week 1 & 2 [2022]

This year already has had some ups and downs. This is a busy time of year for me with the beginning of the semester, and here I am trying to…
iSpy #54

iSpy #54

Selfie (Quarterly shot) Outfit (Quarterly shot) - This makes me look really tall, just because my camera was low. -- new shirt for Christmas -- cardigan that I think I…
Christmas Weekend 2021

Christmas Weekend 2021

Playing a little catch up as the last couple weeks have been busy. Here's my post talk about our lovely Christmas weekend. Christmas Eve's weather was beautiful. After a couple…
Week 50-51-52 [2021]

Week 50-51-52 [2021]

Playing catch up from the last three weeks of the 2021 (December 13, 2021-January 2, 2022) Rob and I went to the Men's Basketball game. Fun game! Friday the 17th…
iSpy #53

iSpy #53

Hey yall! Thanks for all the suggestions for this year's iSpy Challenge. I've made a list and am working on the schedule for the year. If you didn't get to…
Currently::Jan 2022

Currently::Jan 2022

Happy New Year everyone! I forgot to tell ya'll that in my 1st post of this year. So here we are in 2022. Can't believe it! anticipating I'm really trying…
iSpy #52

iSpy #52

Needles Pine needles Color: black Great These Monster cookies are so great if you like cookies with tons of ingredients. Starts with R "Rocko" the reindeer Corgi your choice Love…
iSpy Photo Challenge 2022

iSpy Photo Challenge 2022

Here's to another year of iSpy! Let's continue to look for the marvelous in the mundane. This is a time to keep photography more at the for front of your…