Tag Archives: healthy

Stuffed Bell Peppers :: Gluten Free & Low Carb

By | January 30, 2024

Ya’ll, I am so excited!! I am actually posting a recipe! I know, I’m about to pass out too. 😉 One of my goals this year is to post a new recipe every month. One a month, so by the end of the year there should be 12 new recipes. I would love to share… Read More »

GoodnessKnows Snack Squares {Product Review}

By | November 14, 2015

Influenster recently sent me a complimentary box that included GoodnessKnows Snack Squares. They currently have 3 flavors; cranberry almond dark chocolate, apple peanut almond dark chocolate, and peach cherry almond dark chocolate. I got to try the apple variety, which contains 4 square bites of dried apples, crisp rice, toasted oats, and almonds with a… Read More »

Whole Wheat Waffles

By | August 11, 2014

This weeks the kids are back to school. Just can’t believe summer is over already. On the first day of school, I usually get up and make the boys breakfast. I’ve decided for tomorrow, I’m going to make the boys waffles, but with a healthy twist. When I’m on one of my healthy eating kicks,… Read More »

Egg, Ham, & Spinach Muffins

By | February 23, 2013

I’m making every effort to cut back on carbs whenever possible. I found these mini-egg muffins easy to make a head of time. Each morning, I just pop a couple in the microwave for about 45 seconds and add some fresh fruit on the side. Servings: 24 Prep Time: 5 minutes Cooking Time: 15 minutes… Read More »