Tag Archives: gluten-free

Stuffed Bell Peppers :: Gluten Free & Low Carb

By | January 30, 2024

Ya’ll, I am so excited!! I am actually posting a recipe! I know, I’m about to pass out too. 😉 One of my goals this year is to post a new recipe every month. One a month, so by the end of the year there should be 12 new recipes. I would love to share… Read More »

Gluten Free Oatmeal Cheerios Bars (Updated)

By | June 6, 2016

My family and I love to go hiking. We enjoy hiking year round, so even on our summer vacations we’re usually in a location not far from hiking trails. It’s important to be prepared when hiking by bringing water and a healthy snack. Fruit and some type of granola/fruit bar is usually my go to… Read More »