Christmas 2024

Christmas 2024

Just a quick little post to remember this Christmas 2024...the last one before our granddaughter is here! Breakfast Casserole (recipe) I made the weekend before Christmas since we had company.…
Week 51-52:2023 (Christmas)

Week 51-52:2023 (Christmas)

Finishing up my 2023 Weekly highlight posts. Here we are for Week 51 (Dec. 18-24) and Week 52 (Dec. 25-31)! On Dec. 15th we headed down to Florida to get…
Christmas Day 2022

Christmas Day 2022

Christmas Day we had a set time for the boys to come over. Alex had spent the night over and Drew's on Christmas Eve. We started the morning as always…
Leading up to Christmas 2022

Leading up to Christmas 2022

This Christmas season was had many differences for us. I felt behind pretty much until Christmas Day. What got me behind is that I was in charge of a big…
Christmas Weekend 2021

Christmas Weekend 2021

Playing a little catch up as the last couple weeks have been busy. Here's my post talk about our lovely Christmas weekend. Christmas Eve's weather was beautiful. After a couple…
Honey Baked Ham

Honey Baked Ham

Many years ago, I decided to start a new tradition. I've probably talked about this before, but I finally have a half way decent photo to share. Anyway, on Christmas…
Pumpkin Bread

Pumpkin Bread

Growing up my Granny, my Mom's mom, was the best cook in my family. She always had banana nut bread or pumpkin bread stocked up in the freezer and any…
Christmas Day 2020

Christmas Day 2020

On Christmas Day, we got kind of a late start. Rob and I were up till pretty late. We did are normal preheating the oven, got dressed, and got ready.…
Christmas Decor 2020

Christmas Decor 2020

Happy Christmas Eve, everyone! I really wanted to get this posted way before now, but man, I've just been busy. You would think having this week off that I would…
November 2020 Monthly Musings-Christmas

November 2020 Monthly Musings-Christmas

I'm late getting this post up, but I always enjoy Monthly Musings of others. Link up 1. Favorite Holiday Tradition I love all the Christmas activities, from going to cut…
December 2019 Happenings

December 2019 Happenings

We started off the month with a win in the Auburn vs. Alabama Game. Here's Drew and Caitlyn at the game before they rushed the field with everyone else. Here's…
Christmas Gift Ideas For Food Lovers

Christmas Gift Ideas For Food Lovers

Christmas will soon be here, and if you're still deliberating over what to get your friends and family, especially if they're food lovers, then we have some ideas for you…
December Wrap Up 2018

Christmas Season Wrap Up 2018

Here's a quick run down of what we did in December. December started off with getting a Christmas tree the first weekend of the month. Drew performed his last concert…
TBB Asks Christmas Edition

TBB Asks Christmas Edition

Today I'm joining along with The Blended Blog (TBB) for some Christmas fun. I always enjoy writing posts like this so I can look back and see how my answers…
Christmas Day

Christmas Day 2017

Now that we're getting back to normal life, I've finally had time to sit and go through these pics. It helps that I didn't take that many pics. Christmas this…
December Little Things 2017

December Little Things 2017

December is always a busy month full of Christmas parties, concerts, and traveling. Now that January is here, I wanted to a look back our busy month. Alex had his…
Christmas Day 2016

Christmas Day 2016 in Pics

Christmas was a little odd this year, since we got back from our cruise on Christmas Eve. Santa must have been hungry! Pics of our tree before opening presents We…