Week 51-52:2023 (Christmas)

By | January 3, 2024

Finishing up my 2023 Weekly highlight posts. Here we are for Week 51 (Dec. 18-24) and Week 52 (Dec. 25-31)!

On Dec. 15th we headed down to Florida to get on a cruise ship, so I’ll be writing separate posts about that week soon.

Here’s a pic that makes me laugh. This was when were in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The kids acting like our popperazzi.


We got back to Auburn on Dec. 23rd and quickly began to unpack and wash clothes. Rob’s Dad and Step Mom (Randy & Pam) got into town that day and were actually staying with Drew and Cailtyn. We went over to their house to visit with Randy and Pam for a bit. Then we headed out for some last minute shopping. Rob stayed up really late that night finishing up wrapping gifts.

The next day was Christmas Eve and I had so much to do. We started the day off with church and Rob read scripture while I lit the advent wreath, then I said a prayer.

After church, Rob went out with his dad and step mom and I came back and got busy. I typically prepare Christmas Eve meal on the 23rd, but we weren’t home. This meant I had it all to do on Christmas Eve day, which kicked my butt. I was in the kitchen for 4-5 straight hours. I finished in just enough time to head to church for the Christmas Eve service.

2023-12-24 16.42.24e

We enjoyed the meal and I was happy that Alex could come join us. He also spent the night, which made my mama heart so happy.

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2023-12-24 19.49.23

Alex still loves his Rubix cube collection
2023-12-24 21.31.56

After everyone left, Santa came to visit.

2023-12-24 22.36.21

Christmas Day
Breakfast and then stockings

Caitlyn had her very own stocking at our house now.

Family photos




Alex coming in clutch with the funny gifts

2023-12-25 12.31.56


We went by Buc-ee’s because we were out driving around and ended up there. We ended up grabbing some lunch there, which worked out nicely since no one planned lunch.

2023-12-25 11.19.30

I picked up this candle at Buc-ees. Smells amazing

2023-12-25 12.32.33

Then it was off Rob’s mom/step dad’s house for the rest of the day.

Homemade pasta/meatballs/sauce and salad

2023-12-25 17.35.24

2023-12-25 19.35.14



Last year we started a new tradition of taking the 5 oldest out of 7 nieces that live here in town on an experience for their Christmas present. This year we took them to Columbus, GA. We walked around the Riverwalk.

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2023-12-29 15.35.35

2023-12-29 16.03.13

Then to Fazzoli’s for dinner and the main event was a River Dragon hockey game.

2023-12-29 20.27.39

Rob put out his new Auburn flag he got for Christmas before the bowl game, which we won’t talk about.

2023-12-31 12.34.17

Out with old (blender), in with the new.

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We ended the year at our Sunday School NYE party. I didn’t take any pictures, but we had a nice time. Since this is from our old church, we don’t see these people on a regular basis anymore, so its always nice to get together.

2 thoughts on “Week 51-52:2023 (Christmas)

  1. Laura Bambrick

    I love that you give an experience gift to your nieces and nephews! That is so special! It sounds like you had a busy but fun Christmas!

  2. Natasha

    Oh, I can’t imagine arriving home from a cruise and then heading straight into Christmas! I’m guessing you spent a lot of the next week sleeping and relaxing 🙂 I love experiences instead of gifts as I feel they’re much more memorable. And I think it might be fun to visit a Buc-ees on Christmas Day!!!


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