Omaha, Nebraska Trip::Part 3

Omaha, Nebraska Trip::Part 3

Monday Auburn had a 1 o'clock game, so we got up and headed downtown and walked to the team hotel for Tiger Walk. In downtown Omaha they have an area…
Omaha, Nebraska Trip::Part 2

Omaha, Nebraska Trip::Part 2

Sunday Here we are for another travel post. This one shares Day 2 of our trip to Omaha, NE mainly to watch Auburn play in the Men's College World Series.…
Omaha, Nebraska Trip::Part 1

Omaha, Nebraska Trip::Part 1

A few weeks ago on a Monday night when Auburn played Oregon State in the 3rd and final game of the series to determine who was going to the Men's…
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Today I'm continuing to talk about what we did on our Rochester, NY trip. This was our 3rd day. However, we got up ate breakfast at the hotel and drove…
Mountain West Trip: Denver, CO

Mountain West Trip: Denver, CO

Thank you for following along on our Mountain West Trip. This is the last post for this trip. Today I am talking about what we did the last day in…
Naval Academy & National's Game

Naval Academy & National’s Game

Here's the next post about our DC trip. So if you remember from the last post, our boys flew in on Thursday night. Friday morning we got up, checked out…
Spring Training Trip 2017

Spring Training Trip 2017

In recent years, my family has traveled down to Florida to stay with Rob's Gramma and enjoy some baseball during Spring Training. This year was no exception. It's always interesting…
Spring Training - Read about our experience going on a Spring Training baseball trip in Florida.

Spring Training 2016

Over Spring Break, we headed down Florida for a few Spring Training baseball games. Since we have family that lives in close proximity to many of the parks, it's nice…
Spring Training 2015

Spring Training 2015

A few weeks ago, Rob and Drew spent a few days down in the Tampa area visiting with his Gramma and going to Spring Training games. Below I've outlined the…
Mississippi Braves At Trustmark Park

Mississippi Braves at Trustmark Park

This week for Travel Tuesday, I'm sharing our stop in Jackson, MS. When we travel to Fort Worth, TX we often use Jackson, MS as a mid-way stopping point. Back…
Busy afternoon

Busy afternoon

This afternoon was busy. First we started off at Plainsman Park for the 1st baseball game of the season. I just had my point & shoot, so I didn't get…