Tag Archives: april 2012

Friday Letters

By | April 27, 2012

Dear txting student, I know you must have some pressing information to pass along in the form of a txt, but why don’t you wait till you have finished crossing the street? Thanks much! Someone who would like to NOT run you over Dear leftover Easter candy (specifically chocolate), Why must you call my name… Read More »

Arrow of Light 2012

By | April 16, 2012

Back in 2009, Drew received his Arrow of Light and crossed over to Boy Scouts. This year for the ceremony, Drew got to be one of the Boy Scouts dressed up in regalia. He had a lot of fun being on the other side of the ceremony this year. Here’s some pictures from the evening.… Read More »

Library Stories #3

By | April 15, 2012

One of the greatest parts of my job is working with college students. They bring such joy and a different take on life. Their worlds are so different from mine and really most adults. I wonder sometimes if I was that naive…and I’m sure the answer is yes. 🙂 In my department, we employ students… Read More »

Memories of the Month {4.2012}

By | April 1, 2012

This month I was happy about: spending Easter with my family. This month I was sad about: this and not doing my weekly photo posts; not for the lack of taking pics, just unmotivated and unable to match prompts. Something I accomplished this month is: eating healthier and exercising. Something new I did was: visit… Read More »